Come Find Me

in blurttribe •  2 years ago 

You tell me how to act
You tell me not to cry
You tie me down with rules
Suffocating me under your roof
Just because others are doing it
You insist I do it too

But I have a will
I have a choice
I have a dream
If it hurts too much then let me cry
If it's way too hard then let me sigh
If it makes me happy then let me smile

When you've see the world through my eyes, come find me
When you've felt the pain I've felt, come find me
When you've loved the way I did, COME FIND ME

When you've shed the tears I shed,
When you've taken a step in my shoes,
When you live a single day in my world, come find me
Because, until you understand what it's like to be me
We'll always be apart...


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