in blurttribe •  2 years ago 

FILLER WORDS: Good or bad?

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and you just can't help but feel annoyed with their constant repetition of a particular word?
It is usually a word that is irrelevant to their speech.

It could be the use of 'but', or maybe a phrase like 'you know'.

You find it difficult to follow the talk and when you just can't take it anymore, you say, "why do you like repeating the word but?"
Such a word or phrase is known as a filler word.

A filler word is an unnecessary word, phrase or sound that is used whenever one pauses to reflect on what next to say while speaking or writing.

Filler words are also known as hesitant words, crutch words and so on. They do not clarify information or play any role in making a speaker better. They are usually irrelevant and add no extra meaning to a speech or write-up.

Some examples of filler words are um, er, you know, like, but, I mean, and then, I guess, basically, etc.

Filler words are usually short and they are used whenever there is a need to pause, even though there's more to say, or when one does not know how to explain an idea.

Do filler words have bad effects on your speech or writing?


When filler words are used minimally, it is not much of a problem. The problem is in the repetition.

Using filler words dilutes communication. It is difficult to follow the ideas of a person whose speech is littered with filler words.
Read this:

'I, um, don't really, like, know why people
think the way they do. Um, we should
just, like, learn to love each other'.

What do you think? This looks annoying, right?

This is actually how most people speak and some people also write this way.

As a writer, using filler words reduces the conciseness of your work. It tires your reader and makes them wonder if you know what you are doing.

Again, using filler words makes one look less confident.

With these points, you must now wonder how one can avoid filler words. Don't fret,
I'm getting there.

To start with, pause when there is a need for that while speaking. You may think it will look awkward but it actually exudes more confidence.

Slowing down while speaking helps too. I noticed that I use filler words a lot whenever I talk too fast. Give yourself time to articulate your thoughts.

Also, be conscious of how you speak. Taking mental notes to avoid the usage of filler words helps a lot.

Finally, l would like to note that there are times when filler words can be used.

They could be used to induce a more casual tone, create emphasis, sound more polite, weaken a statement, and engage your audience.

Even with this, it is wise to minimise their usage to ensure conciseness and enhance the ability of your audience/readers to follow your ideas and get the information you are trying to pass.

Good luck on your journey to reducing the usage of filler words.

Have you gotten value?

If you know more ways one can avoid filler words, please tell me about them in the comment section.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

lol. Judge Judy 'no but / not ummm' starts playing in my head.