in blurttribe •  3 years ago 


In everything we do it is very necessary and extremely important to understand the exact thing we are doing. Understanding of what one does is the first criteria for success, it is impossible for an individual to be consistent in an affair without having any idea or knowledge about it. King Solomon who was an outstanding leader prayed to God for an understanding heart. Successful leaders are not born but there are people who have given in themselves to understand the context and after that, they begin to work in the direction of the acquired understanding.
The word leadership according to the oxford dictionary is the state or position of being a leader. Who then is a leader? A leader is an individual with foresight, he sees how things can be improved on and at the same time is able to persuade or make people see the vision and buy into it. A leader is a steward, he is an individual who works towards making his vision a reality while putting people first and he also sticks to his vision.
The difference between America and African countries is the ignorance of our leaders towards the core understanding of leadership and as a result and effective, successful and outstanding leader cannot be raised. Failure in any sphere of life comes as a result of refusal to accept facts. You want to become a leading businessman? It is not out of place but are you willing to accept the facts of being a successful business man?

The desire of every country, organization and institution is to have an outstanding and successful leadership; The world at large is currently yearning for an outstanding leader, this yearning is as a result of the scarcity of such leaders. Various observations and research have shown that with an outstanding leader in position unimaginable possibilities can be achieved. When we look at the different continents, we see some areas where outstanding leadership is needed. For instance Nigeria, a country rich in all manner of natural resources and even referred to as “The Giant of Africa” are still struggling with balancing their economy due to bad leadership. So therefore there is high demand for an outstanding leadership.

Earlier we said that a leader is someone who can go to any length to make his vision a reality while putting people first.
It is important to note that leadership involves two things: The people and the task. Every successful should have this in mind.
It is impossible to perform the task without the people, this is because of how crucial the people are in every leadership. In our other definition of who a leader is, we said he sees how something can be improved on and persuade people to buy his vision. Now if the people are not important, what is the need to persuade them to buy the vision?
Every successful leader must learn to journey alongside the people. He must be empathetic and must be able to collaborate and connect with the people in order to succeed.

You are a product of your mindset, how far you can go in anything is totally dependent on your mindset. In order for you to be an outstanding leader, you need to always see yourself as one, don’t stop being positive.
Your mindset is either a stepping stone to your success or your downfall.
Proverbs 23:7: As a man thinketh so is he.

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”.-SIR ISAAC NEWTON.
Mentorship is a very important step towards producing a successful leader. A mentor widens your foresight, makes you see more than what you were seeing before. So therefore, every aspiring leader and one who desires to be outstanding must be willing to submit to a mentor.
In conclusion, a friend of mine will always say information is not power, it is applied information that gives power. Do well to apply what has been written and watch yourself soar higher like an eagle in your pursuit for leadership.

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