in blurttribe •  2 years ago 

The journey is becoming more interesting but at the same time more tasking and seemingly difficult especially when everything is not so rossey. of course I dont expect it to be less difficult. However, giving up is not an option.
I will continue to strive.

Todays lesson was about positioning of elements using CSS.
The above picture has first of all static; Those elements that never mover no matter what.
while some are relative
and others absolute.

Others are fixed and others are static.


we also did grid. I feels amazing because I can see myself improving daily.
I will always say thank you to @saboin and @tekraze.
recently I also watched on Youtube the wonderful art about GameState its really a wonderful work that @megadrive is putting forth. I just I admired it and we all need to put an eye on it because there is a lot of potentials there. I will also like to promote such.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

When you get good at CSS, I'll get you to do the CSS on some of my websites, probably starting with since I only did the CSS quickly to have something up, but I never updated it, and it looks like garbage on mobile browsers. It only looks okay on desktop browsers.

I'll be working on other websites for Blurt and possibly for myself that can use the help of a good frontend dev to do the CSS for.

I created this for fun for blurt

blurt snip.PNG
This will help me grow faster.
"We learn more by doing" so i am told

I think I am pretty good enough to start some work while you supervise especially with CSS. WE have done most of and I can give some design for sure. Would be starting javaScript soon. Thank you for this opportunity.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sounds good. You will need a GitLab account so that I can add you as developer on Blurt repo and also some of my repos.

Let me know what your GitLab username is and I'll add you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Not yet for now, since I have a million things on my lap. But just saying, hi!

From NZ, and started a node recently. Catching (very late) things, since I am doing more node/stuff lately.

@atexoras.witness on HIVE (I am @forykw) - Ur voting on HIVE is 100% appreciated. All good people. Tks

Will be running witness here as this! Twitter @forkyishere :P Still syncing...

GitHub @4Ykw (not yet anything to add, but later at the end of the year if I get time, or in 2023 when I get more infra, running from NZ-home). I am HPC Engineer enjoying this stuff. Hoping to learn from everyone.

Of I will never stop learning.. Nice to have you here

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Witness now working as expected. Appreciate any votes at least until I start bein seen to have a sense on what to help with.

I saw you are the 70th person. I voted you. I wish you well

I will check it out and vote

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

mine 😁

@amazingpolycarp I just read some of your posts, I like when I read things like this "I wanted to become a Dev badly; I was tired of always asking to be helped when I could help myself", I wish you to succeed and started to follow you :) Feel free to come to the #dev channel of the Blurt Discord if you need explanations or if you have questions ;)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have added both you and @amazingpolycarp to the Blurt repo as developers.

I can add you two on mine as well. I only have two public repos and two private ones at the moment.

Thank you so much for that... I am grateful. I dont know if I should send you a message request on Discord... So that I can begin working on the CSS.... I already went through it

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes. You can send a message on Discord, or even a friend request.

i just did

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks :)

I can add you two on mine as well

if you think I can be helpful, you can add me.

Thank you. I am happy to find a second family here

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're welcome :)

I followed you on GitLab

my GitLab username is @Amazingpolycarp