RE: BlurtSurvey : Do you have problems wearing a Mask ?

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BlurtSurvey : Do you have problems wearing a Mask ?

in blurtsurvey •  4 years ago 

Just browsing through the comments, i see that lots of people make the excuse that the mask in uncomfortable.
I find this fascinating. Yes, there are masks that are uncomfortable - and then, there are cuts or kinds that are very uncomfortable. I had some I barely could breath in - wrong material, too close to my nose and mouth - so, I got a different one.
I bet that nobody that complains about the mask being uncomfortable - but not looking for a different kind, would keep wearing shoes that don't fit and hurt their feet.
Many people have for many years worked with masks on all day long - and they all were able to breath and keep living a great life and do their job. I have little respect for people that don't wear a mask because it is uncomfortable!
Even in schools or during PE.
We have over 7 million known infected people and well over 200,000 death. I know people that have lost 15 family members.
The fastest rising group of infected are children - and we don't know what the long term impacts of this thing are. All that are not wearing masks because it is uncomfortable are putting those (all) children at risk. Maybe now would be a good time to stop being so freaking selfish.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

The fastest rising group of infected are children - and we don't know what the long term impacts of this thing are.

I don’t think we should be sending kids to school if we are into a second wave. It’s easy enough for kids to do school from home.

It’s kind of hypocritical to tell people they can’t go in a building or a restaurant with over 50 people yet we are sending thousands of kids into schools.

Agreed. I have been a homeschooler. That said, there are kids that have terrible abusive home situations and school is the only safe place they have...