Rivers of Bangladesh are an essential part of Bangladesh.

in blurtstory •  2 years ago 

Hello everyone! Now I will discuss about our rivers in Bangladesh. The role of rivers in Bangladesh cannot be concluded by saying or writing.

The role of rivers in the geological process of our country is immense. New lands are being awakened from the soil brought by the current of the river. Sujla-Sufla, grain-green form of Bangladesh is the contribution of the river. The endless splendor of the green nature developed in the obsession of the crimson beauty of spring became more majestic with the skill of the smooth flow of the river.



Poet Jibanananda Das, seeing the gathering of innumerable rivers in Bangladesh, called it 'Wet Bengal in the waves of Jalangir'. The country is surrounded by about seven hundred rivers. Many villages of this country have developed around the river. According to the mother, the country is surrounded by rivers with affection. That is why this country is called riverine country.

Major rivers of Bangladesh:

It is very difficult to prepare a complete list of all the rivers of Bangladesh. However, we all know the names of some of the major rivers of this country. They are: Padma, Meghna, Jamuna, Brahmaputra, Karnafuli and Matamuhuri.


The main river of Bangladesh is Padma. It originates from the Gangotri Glacier in the Himalayas. In India, the name of this river is Ganga. Originally, the course of the river Ganges which entered Bangladesh is called Padma. This river flows through the southern part of Rajshahi district and joins the river Jamuna near Gayaland. The main tributaries of the Padma are: Kumar, Mathabhanga, Bhairab, Gorai, Madhumati and Arial Khan. Mahananda is the main tributary of the Padma.



The Meghna River originates in the hills of Assam. The confluence of the Surma and Kushiyara rivers of Sylhet came near Ajmiriganj and became known as 'Kalni'. In the end, this river came near Bhairabbazar of Kisherganj district and took the name of Meghna. The two main tributaries of the Meghna are the Titas at Brahmanbaria and the Dakatia at Chandpur. Gamati, Manu, Baulai are tributaries of Meghna.


The source of Jamuna is in the Himalayas. The river Jamuna joins the river Padma near Gayaland. Dhaleshwari is the main tributary of the Jamuna. Dharla, Teesta, Karateya and Atrai are tributaries of the Jamuna.


The river Karnafuli originated in the Lusai hills of Assam. The river flows through Rangamati and Chittagong and falls into the Bay of Bengal. The length of this river is about 264 km. Karnafuli river is very fast flowing. The Kaptai Hydropower Station has been built with a dam on this river. Karnafuli paper and silk industry has been established on the banks of this river. The main tributaries of Karnafuli are Halda, Bayalkhali and Kasalong.


The origin of this river is in the heart of the Kailash peak in the Himalayas. East of Tibet and Assam. The river flows from the west and enters Bangladesh through Kurigram district. Banshi and Shitalakshya are the main tributaries of the Brahmaputra. Tributaries of Dharla and Teesta.

The impact of rivers in our daily lives:

Our lives are deeply involved with rivers. One of the main means of transportation is river. Many trading centers of this country have been built around the river. Our agriculture is largely dependent on rivers. Poets, writers and artists of this country have created innumerable literary works on the river.

Benefits of rivers:

The role of rivers is immense in filling Bangladesh with greenery. The sediment flowing in the river water has naturally fertilized our soil. The role of river is therefore very important in the progress of our agriculture. Apart from agriculture, rivers are one of the major sources of freshwater fish. Innumerable people make a living by fishing in the river. A lot of foreign exchange is earned by exporting fish even after meeting the domestic needs.


Disadvantages of rivers:

We also see some disadvantages of rivers. During the rainy season, the rivers swell. Then the flood came. In addition, the river began to erode the strong current. Sometimes the village is completely lost in the middle of the river. As a result, people's houses, lands, plants, livestock and household items are damaged. Many a time the loss of life is due to the strong current of the river. According to a study, about one million people are affected by river erosion in Bangladesh every year.


Rivers have made Bangladesh prosperous. This country is surrounded from all sides. The glory of this country is in the rivers. But now his glory is fading. The rivers are filling up and losing their normal course. So we should take effective steps in this regard now.

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