in blurtstory •  3 years ago 


Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro.
The Portuguese star who is now playing for Manchester United told the story of the beginning of his goal celebration which made the crowd cheer 'Siuuu!'.
The celebration is becoming a trend and has been followed by a number of other football players.

  • Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro.
    Bintang asal Portugal yang kini bermain untuk manchester unitef tersebut menceritakan awal mula perayaan golnya yang membuat penonton bersorak 'Siuuu!'.
    Selebrasi tersebut sedang menjadi tren dan telah diikuti oleh sejumlah pemain sepak bola lainnya.


After scoring a goal, Ronaldo usually runs towards the corner of the field and approaches his team's supporters. Meanwhile, he twirled his right hand then jumped and then turned around. As soon as he landed, Ronaldo put on a special horse accompanied by 'siu' cheers from the audience

*Setelah mencetak gol, Ronaldo biasanya berlari ke arah sudut lapangan dan menghampiri pendukung timnya. Sembari itu, ia memutar-mutar tangan kanannya lalu melompat lalu berbalik badan. Begitu mendarat, Ronaldo memasang kuda-kuda khas diiringi sorakan 'siu' dari penonton


This is what makes it synonymous with the celebration. As we know, Ronaldo has collected 5 Ballon D'or to date. He is also the top scorer in the world for now with a collection of 802 goals. Let's see how far he can take his club Manchester United on the European scene.

  • Hal inilah yang membuatnya identik dengan selebrasi tersebut. Seperti yang kita tahu, Ronaldo telah mengoleksi 5 Ballon D’or sampai saat ini. Dia juga menjadi pencetak gol terbanyak di dunia untuk sekarang dengan koleksi 802 gol. Mari kita saksikam kiprahnya sampai sejauh manakah ia dapat membawa Klubnya Manchester United di kancah Eropa.


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