Reverse Psychology (Story)

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 

If you are 13+ (ie more than 15) then you will not read the following story. Guys don't read again.








There was a farmer in a village who had two cows. He used to cultivate in the field and grow paddy. The cows were very healthy and gave about five liters of milk a day. The farmer used to earn a lot of money by selling that milk in the city.

One day he was going to the city, when he went some distance and saw that the road was closed. He asked the police what's the matter? Police responded, "The virus has entered the city so the road is closed." He thought the virus would be a big man.

When he returned home, he wondered what he would do with so much milk. That's why he sold it cheaply in the tea shop of the neighborhood. The shopkeeper made a thick tea with that milk. At that time, a journalist came and asked, "Why did you open the shop when everything was locked down?"

A gentleman came to have tea. He said, "Shall we not drink tea? Shall we not drink tea?" The whole social media brawl over this incident.




You have read the story. I forbade you to fall. This is "reverse psychology" or "reverse psychology".

The human brain is a strange organ. If our brain is forbidden to do something, then there must be some mystery in that work. Trying to unravel that mystery makes us even more motivated to do the job.

For example, if I tell you to think of an animal, it is not a cat.

Then your brain will show you a picture of a cat first.

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