in blurtstory •  2 years ago 

Imagine the excitement on my face that very day. I was barely 8 years old then, and the feeling of my first earning was awesome. I remember showing every member of my household the money, oh what a child act🤩. I couldn't contain my joy in holding money of my own. My twin brother and I in the process of making that money already planned on what we would use the money for separately.

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Only if we knew that mum has another motive for our first-ever money, we may not have made the move to make the little money. You may be imagining how much this money was, well think no further, it was only #200 (not up to half a dollar) as a child, hahaha. That money is worth big money now😏

I can't forget how life dealt with my siblings and I in a hurry. Life was not fair to us at the beginning but that's a bye-gone anyways, they are all in the past now and I thank God for that. Reflecting on those rough days, I will only be smiling.

It was the holiday season, that long vacation holiday after 3rd term. I was still in primary school then, and so my mum urged my twin brother and I to go to the farm and start plucking our bitter leaf vegetables for sale. In her words, she said, " these children, why not make money this holiday? You two can go to the farm, do some work there and make some money for yourself this holiday instead of playing nonstop". My twin brother quickly processed that statement and boom, we were off to the farm. In fact, it never occurred to our mind that we can make money of our own without begging Mummy and daddy. We didn't hesitate but grabbed that idea immediately at least we would make some money for biscuits and lollipops when school resumes. These were our thoughts 🤔

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We spent hours plucking this bitter leaf and arranging them separately, even though we are twins, money can cause trouble too as a child🤩, so everyone on his and her own veggies. I arranged mine so well, took them home for mum to sell as promised. She did and the first-ever money I made from my sweat was #200🤦‍♀️, the same as my twin brother. She handed the money over to us and I was excited. I went and hid mine inside my school bag waiting for school to resume so I can start chopping all I have craved for.

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A few days away from school resumption, mum called my twin brother and I and requested that we submit the money so she can use it and buy us some academic materials like some exercise books, a pencil, an eraser, and co. What? I nodded my head in disagreement. She started reminding us how our Daddy has been bedridden for months and couldn't do any business again, and that she has been the only one overseeing our welfare which hasn't been easy on her. All those stories of her, we didn't care to understand because we already made plans to use the money for something else until she gave us a harsh condition, we knew she was serious and submitted that money🤣.
Oh, how stubborn we were as a child.

The last time my mum visited me in Lagos state, I reminded her about that event and how it pained me so much as a Child, depriving me of the biscuit and lollipop then, we laughed and laughed over it. She said that it was life that made her take such a decision and that I should not blame her as she was finding every means possible to attend to our needs.

So, friends, my first earning was only #200 used for my academic materials.

Thanks for reading!!

Remember to keep staying positive and be happy 😊 🥰💞🧡

Previously published Here

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I always felt so good after earning my own money by doing work...somewhat satisfying.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good old days 😩😩

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That little token worth much now 🤩

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes ooo …you are very right

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