in blurtstory •  3 years ago 

Greetings from @mr-raconteur!!

If someone asks me “What is your favorite day in life😍?”, without any hesitation, my reply will be, “Our wedding day!”👰🤵💕.

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Yeah! That was my favorite day in my life and the moments we had that day could be cherished forever. I am so cheerful to share this post on the Blurt platform about my wedding day.🥂

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Though our marriage life completed two years, the love, patience, and mutual understanding among us are not decreased but it grows day by day with us.
My beloved wife always says that “When we are together, we have everything”. We all need to feel and enjoy our lives and we need a good life partner to accomplish it.💑

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I am so lucky to have the best person for me and she always makes me happy. She always says that don’t try to find a perfect lover, but try to create a perfect love which can last forever. Our love story spread through seven years and we have faced many challenges, could overcome from them, coz of our love and mutual understanding among us.

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Simply, without me, there’s nothing about her and without her, there’s nothing about me. Because unchanging love among us made perfect with our own world.😍

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Hope you guys had a great time while reading my write-up.✌

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Sending my virtual hugs to all🤗.


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