Day 86 - 熊孩子又被童鞋弄伤了… The child was hurt by his classmate again

in blurtstory •  4 years ago 


Yesterday noon school comes back to see bear child mouth "hang color"!!

What's wrong with you? Got into a fight with a classmate?

Don't be quiet... Unhappy looking... Half a day out of a "others do"...

What's going on? Who did it? I asked

"Suen, kick me in the back... And made me fall to the ground and hurt myself."

Why would he do that? What's going on?

"I don't know! Just like this... "

Who's Sueun? Why did he want to hurt you? Then I asked...

"I didn't know. He was the vice principal's son, a transfer student... "

Not happy... Doesn't seem to care about the injured bear kid. The "🙄

Did you tell the teacher? Whatever happened at school, I have to report to my teacher, no matter big or small. I have told my child many times before... The teacher did not deal with is her matter, you did not tell the teacher that is when this matter did not happen, the teacher through other students in case know, that is not necessarily the same... Must seek truth from facts report the teacher's story

I guess there's a lot going on at school... The teacher is also numb, the child said to tell the teacher also useless, the teacher generally ignore... Today he told me too. I don't believe it. He's not a very litigious kid...

So I texted the class... Student's parents, the bear child is the son of the vice principal so what? "The prince violates the law and the common people with the crime"! Of course, the head teacher will also know about it

The teacher immediately replied in the group, will intervene to deal with this matter...

I see the child in the school is really occasionally encountered things do not say with the teacher, from the first grade to now, although I did not ask a lot, but often listen to him about what happened in the school, what kind of attitude is that the teacher listen to more do not want to tube...

I can empathize with the teacher's situation... But the matter is not to the serious appearance will be dealt with, the child's psychological meeting how to think?

This time it is obvious that the child was wronged, secretly to say that his character is really like a little man, not crying, not noisy... I think it's nothing to worry about... Alas...

But he likes to come back and tell me a lot of things, and sometimes also commanded: I'm going to tell a teacher or parent 😏 group to meet this situation when I was let himself go to group message told the truth...

In WeChat, he can say, when the teacher's face does not want to say... Alas, I was drunk (› 'panel) too.

That hit his classmate's parents, I don't care if he is the principal or what, the fact is how to how to manage, sometimes it is really the parents to come forward to help... alas




不作声… 不开心的样子… 半天冒出来一句“别人弄的”…


“肃恩,在后面突然踢我… 还害我摔地上弄伤的”


“不知道!就好好的这样… ”


“我哪知道,他是副校长的儿子,是转学来的插班生… ”

不开心… 好像也不在乎受伤的熊孩子轻描淡写一句… 就过了”🙄

你有没有告诉老师呢? 在学校发生的事不管大事小事都要跟老师报告,以前跟孩子说N多遍了… 老师不处理是她的事,你没告诉老师那就是当这事没发生似的,老师通过其他同学万一知道了,那可不一定一样了… 一定要事实求是报告老师事情的原委

估计在学校的事发生太多了… 老师也麻木了,孩子说过告诉老师也没用,老师一般都不理睬… 今天他也说告诉了,我不相信了,他不是很爱告状的孩子…

于是我在班级群发信息… 晓之以理的语气带着很严重的样子艾特那位同学的家长,熊孩子说是副校长的儿子那又怎样?“王子犯法与庶民同罪” !当然班主任老师也会知晓这件事了



我能体谅老师的处境… 可是事情非到严重的样子才会理,孩子的心理会怎么想?

这次的事明显又是孩子受了委屈,偷偷的说一句,他的性格倒真像个小男子汉,不哭啼,不吵闹… 遇事都能息事宁人,觉得没什么似的… 唉…

但是他喜欢回来告诉我很多事,有时候还吩咐我去群里跟老师或家长说😏 遇到这状况的时候我都是让他自己去群里留言交代事情真相…

微信里面他倒是会说,当老师面就不愿说的样子… 唉,我也是醉了(›´ω`‹ )

那个打他同学的家长,我管他是校长还是什么,事实是怎样就得怎样管,有些时候真是得家长出面才有用… 唉

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  


  ·  4 years ago  ·  

唉… 现在的孩子有的因为家长官大权大而有点狐假虎威的