in blurtsport •  2 years ago 

You vanished like the dying moon
Loneliness has stabbed my soul
The privilege of joy daggered
At dawn I hush in distress
My pain is as long as the iroko tree

My unsung hero, do you know the clock ticks?
Like manna from heaven I wish you descend
Tears have become my companion
My face like a pool because of tears
Should I retrogress or progress?


I sit everyday like a lonely desert
I creep for love but seems as a fallacy
Do you know people run away from me because I'm a son of nobody?
I feel bitter like the bitter leaf
Someone should wake me up from this daydream

My home builders answer this question
This tragedy, a nightmare or reality?
My oesophagus obstructed for crying
Your son wallows in thoughts like a wanderer
Can you send an angel to comfort me?

Everyday seems to be like the dark clouds
Food is as scarce as gold to me
I pick up pebbles and swallow like a chicken
I get rejected like a black man in the USA in the 1930s
What wrong have I done to the universe?

Daddy, do you know that no one calls me a son?
Tell mummy that I find it difficult to grow
A lot of secrets I need to know
Why am I rejected everywhere I go?
Is it because you and mum vanished like a dying moon?

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