in blurtsport •  12 days ago 

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Tom Davies, a midfielder for Sheffield United, feels that starting his sustainable business enterprise improved his mental health after a challenging rookie campaign in South Yorkshire. After spending 14 years with his childhood club, Everton, the 25-year-old left last summer, but injuries limited his playing time to only nine games as the Blades were demoted from the premier league. Despite a protracted layoff, Davies found comfort in getting ready for the inauguration of ChopValue UK, a micro-factory that opened in Liverpool after collecting nearly five million chopsticks to be recycled into furniture and home goods.

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In order to have a deeper understanding of the business he manages as managing director—a franchise from a Canadian company—Davies enrolled in a sustainability course during his layoff. In order to assist additional causes in the area, the former England Under-21 international has turned his business into a community interest company.

A charity home named James's place which supports suicidal men has received massive support from Tom Davies as he raised money to support them by shaving off his signature shoulder length hair.

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