in blurtreligions •  3 years ago 


"If any one desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me" (Luke 9:23).

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It is always said that the journey to success is not an easy one. It is rough and dreary but with God on your side, the journey is carried to a successful end. George MacDonald said, "In whatever a man does without God, he must fail miserably." The journey demands self-denial if any success must be attained. No one can carry a heavy load on the head, shoulder or hands and be able to walk a good distance. Our journey to eternity without the Lord is a long one and the road is not an easy one. So anyone that truly wants to embark on it must be a light traveler; every load of care of the worldly material possessions, sin and care free attitude must be done away with.

Our memory verse says it is a daily affair, "take up his cross daily." This means that it is continuum. Once you begin, no stopover, no break but a steady walk with the Road-Master. Trying to achieve this by suppressing our natural desires does not work only true self-denial works. That means we must begin to see things the way Christ saw/sees them, regard them as He regarded/regards them, allotting His will a central position in our lives. It also means that we no longer think of or dwell on what will make us happy or comfortable but we should also bother eternity without the Lord is a long one and the road is not an easy one. So anyone that truly wants to embark on it must be a light traveler; every load of care of the worldly material possessions, sin and care free attitude must be done away with.

Our memory verse says it is a daily affair, "take up his cross daily." This means that it is continuum. Once you begin, no stopover, no break but a steady walk with the Road-Master. Trying to achieve this by suppressing our natural desires does not work only true self-denial works. That means we must begin to see things the way Christ saw/sees them, regard themas He regarded/regards them, allotting His will a central position in our lives. It also means that we no longer think of or dwell on what will make us happy or comfortable but we should also bother more on what pleases the Lord of our lives. If it is the material possessions of this world, is it not better one walks with the Road-Master than acquire so much materials and lose eternity with Him?

Our text today says, "For what is a man advantaged, if he will gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?" Every reasonable man will do anything forself-protection and the highest protection anyone should struggle hard to get is divine protection. Let the determination be to do everything humanly and spiritually possible to succeed in this journey. It may never be easy but push on, ask Him for strength, He is always available to help.

True success is found when we steadily walk and work with Jesus, the Road Master.



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