RE: Principles Remain The Same - Only The Terrain Changes....

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Principles Remain The Same - Only The Terrain Changes....

in blurtpolitics •  2 years ago 

As bad as a hot lager in a Wales pub while looking for some chicks to take home .

Never bin there ,.
but it is what i heard form people that found there way back from that place .
They that lived to tell , that is .


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

.....'tis a dark, barren, dard land - kinda just like mordor but on a really bad day (and that's wale's best summer day !)

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

well i did not get much summer up here either , it is raining for two weeks now , and way to wet true the whole summer . harvest's will be minor for the plants had problems to grow .

The polar vortex is moving a lot , it might come down south a long way next winter .
Next winter might be even more extreme then the last two for me .
Three times is ships-court they say , or , if two times doesn't kill you a third time will .

Not gonna find out any truth in that , if all goes on , ill be way down south this coming winter .
The date is set , the plans are made , only a disaster can stop this now .
As in the disaster i sometimes am .


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Me no understandee the logic of living in such climes, not when other, milder, more hospitable weather can be found elsewhere
(I'm also a soft wussy cold-a-phobe... so there is that)

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Up here for reasons beyond me , working on some change in the world for the better .
For by their own woke logic the Norwegian government had to acknowledge and accept the non violence peaceful voluntaryist philosophy as a way of life and even as a religion . Liberstad is even seen as a smart city by the way it run's it's own counter economy . So it is more the soft woke political climate witch keeps me here .

This winter , me and a friend will visit Liberland and Montelibero .
Nothing official , just two private city's we will pass on our way .
And who knows , to get inspired or inspire , while on our way to a place a bit more in the Sun .
Back North April first 2024 is the plan , witch for now still seems like a joke .
And that's all good , for i like to have some fun in my life to .


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