Principles Remain The Same - Only The Terrain Changes....

in blurtpolitics •  2 years ago 

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus.

The life of Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus...

The farmer who was appointed dictator, who served as the model of what 'Roman virtue' attained to be. (celebrated by Romans for his loyalty and brave service).

A Roman leader who DID NOT plot and scheme to build their own personal power and wealth.


Cincinnatus NEVER exploited his authority.

(in fact, after performing the duties that the appointment of dictator required of him - to defeat Rome's enemies - he swiftly resigned his position, handing his power back voluntarily, and returning to his quiet life in the country to take up the farming he's left to become dictator).

After doing the job he was given - to defeat Romes enemies - He gave up the role of 'dictator' - only 16 days after being appointed to the position.

To Know Your Enemy, You Must Become Your Enemy

And what is this enemy that we speak of ?
In this context, the entire DPoS system of governance.

Parallel economies are nothing new.
They've existed outside 'the approved economies' ever since authoritarian regimes pushed too hard to control the population through economic control.
Incentives to align with the wishes of 'the authority' is nothing new.
Approval from 'the powers that be' via economic advantages is nothing new.

Parallel economies do not look for approval from their wannabe masters.

Parallel economies live outside of the matrix and are never 'government' sanctioned as they lead to a loss of power.
For example - 'Black markets' in the soviet era, prospered.
(western goods were traded and the dollars was a currency much sought after to bypass the authoritarian and controlled soviet system).

A 'traditional economy' is always a top down government sanctioned, system.
...DPoS governance is such a system.

To Know Your Enemy, You Must Become Your Enemy

Creating a parallel economy is easy in principle (see my post yesterday) .

All it takes is a re-evaluation of values, and a change in ethos - one not approved of by the power hungry, fundamentally corrupt system of DPoS.
REAL social capital is based on ethical behavior, competence, and merit. THIS becomes the foundation of growth, not 'mooar' (i.e a rising token price at any cost, including the loss of any personal integrity and self respect).

You can never escape from your inner self...No matter what mask you try to show to the world .

The upcoming collapse of value on ALL crypto (imo), will create an opportunity to create such a parallel economy.
From that new perspective, an ecosystem based on ethics, can potentially merge (not expediency and the psychological weaknesses of individuals that seem to infest these DPoS platforms).

To forge out a free market based on competence, creative meritocracies, and intellectual, philosophical honesty - you must become the enemy. (the enemy being the principles of DPoS, not the account holders)

For this phoenix of moral, ethical, and philosophical righteousness to rise up from the ashes, to create a new paradigm - you first have to have a fire...

Creating a parallel economy IS to temporarily become your enemy - to control the economy from the ground up, slowly.

You just have to make sure that you have individuals of strong character and are not corrupted by the promise of mooar power.

Just like Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus

I'm not a Roman dictator, I'm just a naughty penguin.
...A Penguin who is not corrupted by money, power, social approval, or greed.
Promises of 'let me make you wealthy, just submit' are poison to my ears.


I live outside of the matrix, and the putrid influence of the powers that want to bribe you into conformity...
...Those that want to coerce your obedience through the soft threats... ('no more blurtbooster or coconuts for you!'

I live outside the matrix.
You know, not part of the conformist cabal and the existing power structures (the sycophants, the spineless, the intellectually dishonest, the philosophically vapid, the emotionally mal-developed)...

....What... about... you?

Ever since the steem days, we've seen the way DPoS plays out - with or without downvoting.
The system of governance is thoroughly rotten and corrupt - and this allows for the weak willed and weak minded to crush the innovative, the creative, the hard workers and the ethically minded...

What does that tell you about the psychological makeup of the accounts that then go on to support the system ?
It isn't difficult to dissect the actions and words, and to easily see behind the masks...
It really, really, isn't.


So.... if I'm some kind of 'revolutionary truth teller' on blurt, what does that tell you...?
What does that tell you about DPoS (and it's supporters ?).

And do you want to play a new game , instead?

Coming up...

...How to play...


...'The Game Of Moving Thrones'.

smaller version small gif.gif


good to be the king.gif

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

....What... about... you?

I do not do pills ,. you never know whats in them .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I do not do pills ,. you never know whats in them .

There's nothing worse than scoring shitty pills at a nightclub, when out raving.....or so I've been told...

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

As bad as a hot lager in a Wales pub while looking for some chicks to take home .

Never bin there ,.
but it is what i heard form people that found there way back from that place .
They that lived to tell , that is .


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

.....'tis a dark, barren, dard land - kinda just like mordor but on a really bad day (and that's wale's best summer day !)

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

well i did not get much summer up here either , it is raining for two weeks now , and way to wet true the whole summer . harvest's will be minor for the plants had problems to grow .

The polar vortex is moving a lot , it might come down south a long way next winter .
Next winter might be even more extreme then the last two for me .
Three times is ships-court they say , or , if two times doesn't kill you a third time will .

Not gonna find out any truth in that , if all goes on , ill be way down south this coming winter .
The date is set , the plans are made , only a disaster can stop this now .
As in the disaster i sometimes am .


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Me no understandee the logic of living in such climes, not when other, milder, more hospitable weather can be found elsewhere
(I'm also a soft wussy cold-a-phobe... so there is that)

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Up here for reasons beyond me , working on some change in the world for the better .
For by their own woke logic the Norwegian government had to acknowledge and accept the non violence peaceful voluntaryist philosophy as a way of life and even as a religion . Liberstad is even seen as a smart city by the way it run's it's own counter economy . So it is more the soft woke political climate witch keeps me here .

This winter , me and a friend will visit Liberland and Montelibero .
Nothing official , just two private city's we will pass on our way .
And who knows , to get inspired or inspire , while on our way to a place a bit more in the Sun .
Back North April first 2024 is the plan , witch for now still seems like a joke .
And that's all good , for i like to have some fun in my life to .


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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Please don't spam for your witness votes in my feed.
(I will be actively working against all accounts that support censorship frontends, and who choose to operate 'above the 33rd parallel').

You are welcome to join the proof of ethic community anytime you like (coming soon)...
I believe you have sound ethics, but very poor judgement.

Time will tell...

You like this style of music ? - enjoy! (loads more coming)

I hope to see you 'on the light side' !

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