Sometimes 24 Hours Isn't Enough

in blurtpilipinas •  2 years ago 

What's up everyone? I hope you are all doing fine. Last night, I just went to my bed at 1AM and waking up at 8AM to initiate my rotational grinds. This kind of busyness is common to me. In fact, I'm experiencing this kind of thing over and over again. For this article, I will be sharing my regular routine and how do I survive this boring day. This article is not that special because this is what I've been doing for such time.


After waking up, I'm stretching my body, and I will brush my teeth. Subsequently, I'll perform my skin care routine, so I can take my dog for a walk thereafter. If I published an article on last night, I'll respond on all of their comments to make sure that I interacted a bit. But before that, I need to eat my breakfast and do my house hold chores. As a multi-tasking student, I'm browsing my noise account while checking the activities I need to accomplish. While interacting, I make sure that I completed my daily activities in Shopee and Share It. Those apps I have mentioned helps me to save for my E-Load purchases. After doing those tasks, I need to continue my study grinds.

Of course, I need some rest, so I'm grabbing that chance to eat lunch and do my household duties. After that, I'm interacting again on noise to share my free tips. I'm such grateful on the team behind that site because they are giving me that kind of trust where other's don't have. After seeing my tips is drained and I'm done posting a short post, I'll go back on my unfinished studies. My activities usually finishes before evening, but there have some times I need to sacrifice the time I'm spending on my passive incomes. It's also already in my routine to worship on church every Wednesday and Saturday in the afternoon.

At 6PM, I'll utilize it to break my leg on I always make sure that I can read up to seven articles, then browse again on my noise account. I'm also transferring an article directly on that platform which I'm writing on my notebook first. Consequently, I'll release my article I transferred the other day every 9PM-10PM. Not only that, I also need to write again on my notebook while watching television. After I finished, I'll plan my grinds in the next day followed by brushing my teeth. As what I'm doing on my morning routine, I'll do my skin care habit. Before sleeping, I make sure that I took my vitamins to strengthen my immunity. Then, the cycle continues.

So sorry if I'm having a hard time to adjust here. Before I sleep, I make sure that my goals will go according to the plan. Sometimes, I wonder if more than 24 hours is already more than enough. Here is the sample of my daily to-do lists.


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