Which Would You Prefer: Synthetic or Natural?

in blurtpilipinas •  last year 

Hi Blurt Fam!

Everything in this world has evolved from the things around us to human beings. It is inevitable. Change is inevitable. Even the world population has changed, and it is getting larger, which is why the demand for food is always high. Due to a scarcity of supply, the cost of essential products becomes more expensive.

I remember when I was a kid, my grandmother constantly encouraged us to eat natural food. She didn't want us to eat processed food and always reminded us that it was not good for our health. Within a few minutes, she would share her life story about how they had planted their own food. According to her, that was the secret of ancient people and the reason why they lived longer.

But today, there are many processed foods available in the market. As long as you have money to pay for them, you can eat instantly as the processed food is affordable. If my grandmother were still alive, she would probably constantly remind us to plant our own food and never consume processed foods.

Both synthetic and natural products are commonly seen in the market. Some people choose not to buy synthetic products because they prefer natural or original ones. However, others might opt for synthetic products due to financial constraints preventing them from affording the original or natural alternatives. What about you? What is your preference?


Last week, my schedule was not that hectic, and I found myself at the mall for window shopping. Whenever I go window shopping, I usually head to the kitchenware area. While on my way to that section, my attention was caught by a display of colorful synthetic flowers. Without any hesitation, I immediately went there to check out those items.


Since there were no other customers around, I enjoyed staying there and admiring those beautiful synthetic flowers. They were truly stunning and had the ability to capture customers' attention.


However, I don't spend money on these synthetic flowers. I don't own even one, as I prefer to have natural flowers at home. Natural flowers are like babies; they require your care and time. It is challenging to have natural flowers at home because they won't survive without proper care, unlike synthetic ones. If you don't take care of them properly, they will die. It requires patience before you can witness their flowers blooming. Its scent has the ability to provide a sense of relaxation to someone.


Although I admired their beauty, they are still synthetic. I left the area without buying even one. I still prefer having natural plants and flowers at home, especially because I love taking care of them. That's it for today, Blurt fam. Until then.



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