What's Your Favorite Movie Genre When Hanging Out with Friends?

in blurtpilipinas •  last year 

Hi Blurt Fam!

I remember when I was in high school, our favorite topic during conversations with my classmates was horror stories or movies. Although we were already scared, we continued to attentively listen to the stories. I still remember how my other classmates looked for company when they needed to go to the restroom; they suddenly became clingy because we were already scared from the creepy stories. The stories truly affected us.


However, when I am alone, I don't want to watch horror movies as they can affect my sleep. I'm afraid to close my eyes because if I do, I can see the ugly images portrayed in the movie. I only watch horror movies when I am surrounded by my friends or family before sleeping. The scary feeling subsides then.

Last month, a friend invited me to her house to catch up. Since I had free time, I immediately agreed to visit her. We hadn't seen each other for a year, and we rarely talked on the phone or through messenger. So obviously, we had many stories to share about our lives, including her love life (not minding mine).


She was busy as I arrived, preparing food for us. She's really accommodating. I jokingly told her not to spoil me, and she just smiled.

After exchanging updates on our lives, we decided to watch a horror movie. It was our favorite movie genre when we were together—watching a horror movie.


Since I don't watch horror movies alone, I wasn't aware of the latest horror movies on Netflix. She recommended a Thai movie, as she once shared with me that Thailand has exceptional horror movies. We both agreed to watch it.


The movie was all about love and jealousy resulting in the unexpected death of someone. I couldn't help but shout and cover my eyes halfway whenever there were creepy scenes. But my friend was braver than me, so she watched it with her eyes wide open. We enjoyed watching it and didn't even notice that the surroundings had already grown darker. After watching the movie, I bid her goodbye. That's it for today, Blurt Fam. Until then.

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