The Unexpected Date with Myself @ Mang Inasal

in blurtpilipinas •  11 months ago 

Hi, Blurt Fam!

The prices of the products in the market were skyrocketing, which is why I usually consume homemade food. This way, I can save money and also eat healthier. But today is an exception because I was too lazy to cook food for myself. Perhaps it's because I haven't been feeling well the whole day due to my monthly menstruation.

One of my problems when my monthly menstruation comes is my appetite, as it often gets ruined. I usually don't feel like eating on the first day. I had only eaten 2 pieces of bread – one for breakfast and the other for lunch. As a result, I was starving by dusk.

Since I don't feel like cooking, I decided to have my meal at a restaurant. Most eateries were closed today because it's Sunday, so I had no option but to look for a restaurant.

I chose to dine at Mang Inasal since it was the first establishment I saw when I started looking. I went inside immediately, and fortunately, there was no long queue, so the store crew attended to me promptly. I ordered grilled chicken, rice, and halo-halo.


Honestly, I managed to finish 2 cups of rice. Now, can you imagine how hungry I was? I know that eating too many carbohydrates isn't healthy, but since I was really hungry, I ended up consuming a lot of carbs. I'll need to burn it all off tomorrow.


After I had eaten my main course, it was followed by dessert. Well, if you noticed, I spoiled myself today. This is quite rare, so I didn't feel any sense of guilt. Besides, I didn't spend too much on my dinner. So obviously, I was full after I had a date with myself.


That's it for today, Blurt Fam. Until then.

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