Having Spagjetti For My Lunch

in blurtpilipinas •  11 months ago 

Hi Blurt Fam!

I remember way back to my high school days when spaghetti was my usual breakfast at home. My mom had a small space at the school canteen, and one of her menu items was spaghetti. Actually, spaghetti was one of her bestsellers.

So every day, except on weekends, we always smelled spaghetti in the kitchen. And since I was so young back then, I was easily tempted to have it in the morning. I wasn't health-conscious at that time, which is why I wasn't mindful of my food intake.


My mom trained me to cook it; that was one of our mother-daughter bonding activities. She gave me the exact measurements of all the ingredients. However, it's been a long time since I cooked it, so I'm not sure if I can do it correctly, especially since I've forgotten the measurements she shared with me.

My mother was the first person I think of whenever I see spaghetti, and I'm sorry to tell you that I usually compare the taste to my mom's masterpiece.

Two days ago, I had a late lunch at one of the fast-food restaurants in my area, and the spaghetti caught my attention. My inner child was awakened. So instead of ordering a main course, I chose to have spaghetti for my lunch. Although their spaghetti was delicious, my mom's spaghetti is still the best.

Do you also like spaghetti? That's it for today, Blurt Fam. Until then.

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