Is Failure an Enemy? | Why did I fail in my first attempt at making banana cupcakes?

in blurtpilipinas •  4 months ago 

Hello Blurtians!

I was raised in a family where negativity overflowed. I can't blame myself whenever there were times that I easily succumbed to negativity. But as I grew older, I constantly fought my pessimistic side because I wanted to stop being pessimistic. But being human, there were times when I found it difficult to battle negativity. It seems that it had already taken over my system.


Will I stop battling it? A question that constantly pops up in my mind. My answer is always no, and recently, I realized that it might be nice to turn negatives into positives.


Just what I experienced recently: We had overripe bananas at home, and since I didn't want to waste food, I decided to make banana cupcakes. However, since it was my first time making banana cupcakes, I failed. What surprised me was that I didn't feel bad; instead, I was very positive that soon I could make them perfectly.


Why did I fail in my first attempt at making banana cupcakes? I failed to check and follow the recipe correctly. I mistakenly followed the wrong measurements. In cooking, measurements are crucial and need to be followed correctly. That's why I failed; I didn't correctly follow the right measurements.


But I swear I didn't tell myself that I would stop; instead, I encouraged myself that soon I could make it perfectly. I already learned that I won't treat failure as an enemy because failure is not an enemy. I will embrace failure because by the time I embraced failure, that was also the time I started to become better at anything. Although I failed my first attempt at making banana cupcakes, I'm sure that soon I'll become good at it.



That's it for today Blurtians. Thank you for taking time to read my blog.

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