Walking through a town in central-northern Italy, I came across a neighborhood where new houses were built. The shape of the houses and the order in which the neighborhood was built struck me a lot. In my opinion these houses are beautiful and add value to the neighborhood. In speaking with the residents I have found that they are very expensive homes which I was expecting. Near these houses there are also small green areas.
Do you like these types of houses?
Passeggiando in un paese dell’Italia centro nord mi sono imbattuto in un quartiere dove sono state costruite delle case nuove. La forma delle case e l’ordine con cui è stato costruito il quartiere mi ha colpito molto. Secondo me queste abitazioni sono belle e danno pregio al quartiere. Nel parlare con i residenti ho scoperto che sono case molto costose, cosa che mi aspettavo. Vicino a queste abitazioni ci sono anche delle piccole aree verdi.
A voi piacciono queste tipologie di case?
Foto di mia proprietà scattate con Iphone 11.
To me those houses look terrible, but I wonder, perhaps they are more functional than aesthetic? Maybe they were built for purpose, not for looks. For example, it could be that they are made to collet as much sun as possible, or to withstand wind and rain. Or it could be simply that they are meant to look different, and attract trendy buyers who will pay a large price for a small unit.
You have an excellent sense of observation. Mostly they were built for buyers who want a modern or trendy home