Search Engine Optimization plus Research & Development - THE HASHTAGS OF MONEY #HoM

in blurtphoto •  3 years ago  (edited)

If we look at Steemit group Rankings, we first usually as individuals see the Trending Posts on a group in relation to Trending Posts Generally, and can then start seeing a Correlation between inside attention bringing a Post up, and Outside attention bringing Votes in Funding the Group through those who get outside attention but are group insiders. New, Hot, Trending, to Google is Search Engine Optimization (SEO), using other websites to get views on your Post is Backlinking.

How to Build Your BLURT Audience (Applies to Bloggers, YouTubers, TikTokers, etc) - THE HASHTAGS OF MONEY #HoM

This effects Steemit as a Platform on Google in Rankings, as we are all Building our Groups, Accounts, etc, this Builds the Platform, I made 50 Groups on Steemit I will be filling with content, this adds searchability in those Topics, and things for people to do. Because the next layer of this is retention, and Time Spent; you have Unique users, by Country, Region, Post viewed, etc, etc. And from this you want Returning Visitors who Bookmark your Page, or an RSS Feed, or your Social Media, etc, etc, as well as spend Hours and Hours consuming your content, going through each Post to learn more, which also then gets into Widgets, and Share Buttons. There is also the concept of being the Most Popular Post on Steemit, BLURT, or a Platform like Facebook, or Twitter, and when people Google your name what do they find, what about when the mix your name with Facebook? This then gets to your own personal Search Engine results, and what Platforms appear at the top when people search for you. We are creating #VanKushFamily with a Group and Page centered on Facebook, from there we are Recruiting Brand Ambassadors and starting a Spiritual Beauty Company. In this there will be my Educational, Informational and Instructional posts, as well as my Wife, and several others in the #VanKushFamily, we will then onboard Businesses, Models, Witches, etc, as we create our own Token, Blockchain, etc, and create those for the Businesses we are onboarding as well, eventually hosting a Mining Pool, DEX, etc. So if someone finds 1 part of everything, or 1 person such as my Wife, they then have the opportunity to Discover everything else through the #VanKushFamily.

"What are these Coins for?" is the bigger question in a Coin holders head. So as we Bring people in we have to keep this in mind, you may or someone else may be a Popular Restaurant who hosts a Tokens on STEEM, BLURT and HIVE, or you may be a Musician with a big Audience and maybe a Token, or a Video Game Livestream, etc, etc. People will still occassionally be looking for Cryptocurrency Guides, it is hard to ignore at this point as because all the Most Popular Posts are related to STEEM, BLURT and HIVE, people on the Platforms with the most money, love to hear about their money gaining Value just as much as the New Person likes Tips and Tricks about how to Earn some. Everyone at some point must Wonder, "What can I spend this on?", Or it wouldn't be a Currency, and you can help people understand that. Because not everyone joining is some Impoverished person looking for a $100 Vote, or a person building a Career in Content Creation, some are Investors wondering what happens when they hold on to a few Million STEEM, BLURT or HIVE, or make a Token, etc. This is a disruptive technology, like Bitcoin was for #FinTech, these Developments in DeFi are now bringing the question of "How could Websites like Facebook or TikTok, use Cryptocurrency like STEEM or TRX do?".

In the early days of STEEM and Steemit they were much different, before DeFi and now DeFi can help bring Steemit (Graphene) Technologies back to a forefront position. Steemit at first had a Bitcointalk Thread, Dan, Ned, BitShares, and a bunch of people fairly Crypto-savvy. This at first began growing with a number of Graphic Designers, people all Day posting pictures of Line Graphs, discussing HardForks and what they mean, and generally giving good Guidance for new users. Steemit is now doing this with the Achievements and Trading Classes, which has been reflected in the price of SBD. The first time, in the early days, Dan and Ned ran an Ad of a Girl in Jeans and a Striped T-Shirt, wearing Glasses, sitting Cross legged, with a laptop on her lap, glasses on the screen glowing back, her sitting in the floor somewhere, like wood floor maybe a loft or something, maybe on a pillow, and off-center. On the other side was the Steemit Symbol, and something like "Your Voice is Worth Something", and it linked to Steemit.


Very quickly it grew, and there were Travel Bloggers, Makeup, and one Girl was making T-Shirts and Balloons and stuff, and she made $30,000 on a post because so much STEEM was getting locked up in STEEM Power, and the Whales were all actively Voting on the Trending pages. This eventually itself became a Discussion and is the reason all the Bots were made, the first Bots were there to help Whales Vote on people that can't find, and help you get Votes from Whales that can't find you, because as more people joined it got harder for them to reach all the good material, it was becoming a real Social Media Platform, it was flowing. But then the Anarchists took over, and btw, I definitely think we should all start to start Host Debates on BLURT about Religion, Economics, History, etc.

The following posts get into the History of Steemit.

Punic Wax #IntroduceYourself

Steemit: Under New Management

Steemit as a Job means to think if it like in the early Days, when everyone was joining seeing the "Your Voice is Worth Something" Ad, and doing things like creating a TRC10/20 Token, as well as Joining Vote Up Groups and then Rewarding Tokens to people in the Groups. When you make a Token on TRX, BSC, ETH, HIVE-Engine, etc, you should then announce it on Steemit, BLURT and HIVE, then on the Facebook Groups, Linkedin, Minds, Reddit, etc. As well as seek out people who are very active at helping others on these platforms, and Recruit them to spread your Coin on the Platform. When you make a Coin it shouldn't just be you making an Announcement, you can have others make the Announcement also and be Financially Staked and helping their Audience Join in.

A DAO can operate like a Publishing House, Alice Bailey Luceious Trust is an example

The Lucis Trust is a nonprofit service organization incorporated in the United States in 1922 by Alice Bailey and her husband Foster Bailey, to act as a fiduciary trust for the publishing of twenty-four books of esoteric philosophy published under Alice Bailey's name, and to fund and administer activities concerned with the establishment of "right human relations". These include the Arcane School, a school for esoteric training, World Goodwill, Triangles, a lending library, The Beacon magazine, as well as the publishing company.

If you think of Publishing Almanacs, they are kind of like a Magazine or a Catalog and can help you understand a Publishing House, and how a Trust can be used, so then how a DAO can operate.

From, The Franklin Papers

"Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette, January 19, 1730/1.
Godfrey’s Almanacks for the Year 1731. Done on a large Sheet of Demi Paper, after the London manner. Containing the Eclipses, Lunations, Judgment of the Weather, the Time of the Sun’s Rising and Setting, Moon’s Rising and Setting, Seven Stars Rising, Southing and Setting, Time of High-water, Fairs, Courts, and Observable Days. With several other Things useful and curious. Printed and sold at the New-Printing-Office near the Market."

We as a Community Need Guides about how to Buy BLURT to Give as a Gift and how to do all that, also some kind of account creation codes that can be bought by one person and entered by another could be useful. We need Guides for how to use BLURT to make Purchases, BLURT to various Debit Cards, or a System that makes Amazon Gift cards or a person that does it manually, a Guide could be written as a BLURT Guide, a person who plays SplinterLands could show themselves Cashing out of one Currency and Buying the other,
Just start thinking of things people might search for in the future, fill that gap, coming searches. As an example, it costs 3 STEEM to make a Group, and now once your Group is made it adds a whole Google layer, for example if you make a group for your local Region, Hometown, School, etc. Suddenly that is Searchable on Google in relation to Steemit, and if your Town doesn't have much going on the Group could technically become the highest ranked page for the Town on Google. You could also create a Currency for your Region, Town or School, this could start with a Group on Steemit. Also, one post getting a ton of attention outside, but being posted in your group, as in posted in your Steemit Group and then that URL shared on a Facebook group where everyone Likes and Shares it, this now bring your Group up.

Steemit Communities: Investing in Our Collective Future on Steemit

Introducing: The Steemit Directory

These posts show the kinds of issues that can be covered in posts now, that people may find in the future. Have "Evergreen content" in mind, you can have a Tutorial where Prices change because it is expected, but it's better to post about say a Tutorial rather than an Event which won't last long and isn't a big search Topic, because the Tutorial helps everyone who ever finds it, no one can go to an Event that ended; so even Event posts you want to create some kind of Evergreen Factor, or have some kind of Live Stream or Picture Gallery, etc.

BLURT + STEEM = Higher Returns

Steemit Software Development Kit (SDK)

How Steemit Works: STEEM and SBD

Steemit 1st Steps for New Users

Currencies with Coupon Utility should begin to be created, as in instead of just PIZZA Coin, those should be Granted to Pizza Parlours, or should Grant Token Creation to Pizza Parlours, the PIZZA Token creators could host a contest seeking Pizza Parlours, but to this point regardless of what PIZZA Coin does, we need Tokens that are accepted at Businesses, you should be able to Buy things with BLURT, STEEM, HIVE and all our Tokens.

Economics 101: Currencies are Simply Trade Instruments

How to Open Your Own Restaurant or Get a Job at One

Help Get BLURT in the News, Just Using Your Email Address

TRON Tokens, Bounty0x and Defi

How to Mine BLURT

The Abandoned "Bazillion Beings" Project

Gamifying Graphene Blockchain Charity and Expansion (Putting Karma on the Blockchain)

Android/Iphone Guide to Make a TRC10 TRON Token: Every Steemit user should Create or be involved with one

HIVE-Engine Currencies

Mining STEEM, BLURT and HIVE: What is a Witness and How Does All This Work?

One point being in all of this, that you can seek out what people need through Analytics, Outreach, you could even start directly contacting Businesses by Email and Phone, find needs to fill, and then fill those needs and in doing that fill a space in SEO that you didn't fill before, that is Research and Development through SEO.

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