Maximizing Crypto Earnings With @TipU, the Account Booster Group and How to Buy STEEM

in blurtphoto •  3 years ago 

This guide will show those entering the Van Kush Beauty Economy how to use @tipu, including a Tutorial for How and Where to Buy STEEM for people in the U.S., etc. I recently wrote a Buying Guide that should be helpful to anyone new, or anyone who is in the process of Launching a Token or other Project.

How to Buy BLURT and STEEM + Behind the Scenes of Trading for Newbies and Blockchain Developers: Market Caps, Value, Markets, Moon Ramps, Dollar Pegged Coins and Token Economies

This Guide you are reading now will show you how to Buy STEEM on Bittrex, then how to use it to boost your posts using @tipu. Here is a Link to the Bittrex Market.

If you are not a member of Bittrex go ahead and join now, this screenshot shows the Bittrex Wallet.
Screenshot from 2021-10-06 11-46-09.png

You can search for STEEM and it will filter everything down to STEEM and SBD.
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If you search LTC it will show you LTC.
Screenshot from 2021-10-06 11-47-09.png

Click "Deposit" to generate a Wallet address.
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Copy it.
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Go to CoinBase and Buy LTC.
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Send it to your Bittrex Wallet.
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Use your phone to get the verification code via Text.
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Go to the Bittrex Market

Type in LTC and open the LTC market.
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Type in STEEM and open the STEEM market.
Screenshot from 2021-10-06 11-51-35.png

Sell your LTC for BTC.
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Then use your BTC to Buy STEEM.
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Then you can go to your Wallet and see it there.
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Click "Withdraw" to Send it.
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I'm username with no @ symbol.
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I'm sending 1 as a test, and the fee is 0.01 STEEM per transaction, so it is not an amount that should deter a test.
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Check your email and click the verification link.
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Check the Bittrex Wallet Withdraws tab to see if it has gone through.
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Check your Steemit Wallet and see if it is there.
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Then go ahead and send all of it.
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Then check your Steemit Wallet, here you can see it is in my Balance but hasn't appeared in the History, that is fine it will show up later, it is in the balance so it is there.
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Screenshot from 2021-10-06 12-41-21.png

Most of the following part of the Guide is just me following the Instructions here:


You can see @tipu has 6,000,000 SP, almost 7.

So go to your Blog and get a link to a post you want to boost. At the end I will get into techniques for this choice.


We are choosing this post.

Go to your Steemit Wallet.

Select Transfer from your Liquid balance.

Send 10 STEEM to @tipu with the link you want a vote on in the memo.

Send it.

And within 1 min or so, you should see it in your History.

You now wait. I have to wait at least 6 hrs because it says on the @tipu page that Voting is paused for a recharge session, so the account can recharge it's voting power.

When choosing your post to boost, it is best to make plans. This link is to the Account Booster group, we can all post here and Vote on each other's posts.

But even when using the Account Booster group, the best strategy is to post your post where it will get the most attention, as an example this is the Steemit group for posting food,
if you post here and boost it with @tipu you can then get Votes from others. So while @tipu offers a vote worth what you paid +10%, so you earn 11 STEEM worth of a vote for every 10 you pay. If you spend 500 STEEM and get 50 in earnings, that is further extended by votes from other people. Maybe you earn 100 STEEM in votes because your post was at the top of the Food Group.

Here are several other popular groups:

You can then use those earnings on your account, to Vote in the account booster group. And then as we all do this we can build the group to be one where we can Buy a Vote, and earn 30x what we pay, instead of +10% and eventually as there are more high SP holders, and more people using Steemit, the price of STEEM goes up.

This will then also be part of building the Van Kush Beauty Economy Framework. Once we do this, others will be able to follow very easily. As we will be there to help them.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by <@bestkizito >


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

A few months ago, I used the upvote tool from @tipu on Steemit. But, it seems that many people are fighting for the opportunity to get upvotes that only exist in a few minutes. I have tried 3 times, but always failed.
