How to Make the Most Money on BLURT

in blurtphoto •  3 years ago  (edited)

This post is for the benefit of everyone who uses BLURT as a Blog, as some may not realize it, but anyone reading this has more ability than they may realize. You can make BLURT go up in Value, and if we all do it, the Price will go Higher and Higher.

This Chart shows that the Van Kush Family is growing the Platform and initiatives like BLURT Yield Token (BYT) and RobinaSwap, etc, are bringing people to BLURT who have never used it before, and the Chart also shows how New BLURT is. Steemit has been around since 2016/17 and HIVE took most of those users, so we can see those as the Legacy Communities. We can see that many on both Platforms are there for SplinterLands the Virtual Game with a Token Currency you trade for STEEM and HIVE on a Platform built by @aggroed. There are also now Steemit and HIVE groups like on Facebook or like Reddit Subreddits, and those are beginning to Develop. But BLURT is still New.

So anyone reading this should understand, you are an early adopter for one of the only Websites with a Cryptocurrency attached, called Graphene. There are not yet 10,000 users on BLURT, so if you have a Facebook Group/Page, or Online Business, or Instagram Feed, or Twitter Following, or anything that you want to Monetize, you can do that using any Platform, but BLURT gives you the most Agency; since there are so few people and you can actually help mold the Identity of the Platform. If you are a Casual BLURT user, when you invite other people to use BLURT you should do so offering the information that they are joining this tested Technology on a New Platform and stand to earn a lot as the Platform grows.

I was there when Steemit Started, and as it grew, and at first it was less than a Penny. We all assumed it would go higher, but we didn't know. We all knew about Bitcoin, Ethereum, BitShares, Litecoin/DOGE, etc, etc. So we weren't exactly sure what the Value was, but we assumed it would go way up because it was the most viable. Social Media Payments, as in a Free way to earn Cryptocurrency was just something that made sense. We were all learning about SBD, and writing Tutorials for new people, and users would actually Buy Ads. If you want to be an extremely successful BLURTer you should actually be paying for ads for your account on Facebook, Google AdSense, Twitter, etc. We should all be seeking out as many Random people to invite to BLURT as possible, first by becoming your Fan.

This then also includes Business Cards,
This is your Job and you should look at it that way if you want it to be. BLURT users should be looking for things happening on STEEM and HIVE, then telling others to participate on BLURT and use the proceeds of anything to fund their BLURT account. We should all be using HIVE-Engine and Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and not then detaching from BLURT, but inviting BLURT, and reinvesting in BLURT. We should all be sharing tips and tricks with each other, this should not be a Free-for-all, Every-Man-for Himself, this should be a Team, we are the BLURT Team, this is our Job. I am in America, I am helping build the USA Team amd really every Team. But we are creating the Van Kush Family and Van Kush Beauty Economy, we are having people create accounts with our Last Name, Van Kush, and we will be a Family supporting each other and helping each other. Just as an example, as a new person comes in they benefit from the entire Fanbase of the Family because if they are looking through my Feed, and my Wife's feed, then they are likely to look at a 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc associated with us.

When people use Hashtags on BLURT and STEEM we generally are wondering what Tags we can use to get attention, looking for the biggest earning Tags. But we need to start being more Pop Culture with it, we need to be using Hashtags that people will read, like #VanKushFamily and wonder "What is that, I want to know more", they click on it, and there shows up everyone that uses it (in the future, unless you are reading this in the future then you can click it now and see a bunch of posts). So we shouldn't just be thinking of what Tags we can use, but how we can help people in that search, how we can create the Tags to fulfill that space in their search. As well as talking about events, we should talk about going to Conventions, and we should talk about having Booths at Conventions. Like Twitter, our Platform should have South X Southwest people who casually use our Platform, posting about it with Hashtags to earn, but that has to start with a push for that to happen at all on the Platform. We should all be going to events, and posting things about those Events on BLURT, then also sharing Business Cards, Stickers, etc at these events.

You can create a Brand with your Blog. Once you have a Business Card, and a Facebook Page or Group, or Website, etc you basically have a Brand. So if you get a Logo made for your company, and do a few YouTube Videos, or GIFs, you can start to have content for your Brand, and share those things here. Or you can blog like everyone has been doing, and add something new like an Event as mentioned, or anything. We need people to Launch Tokens, we need people to create Automated BLURT tools like Xpillar for Steemit, there is actually a lot that the BLURT Devs can use help with, anyone who wanted to create 3rd Party Tools for BLURT users to log into and fully functionalize their account, would likely be appreciated, and you could earn a lot of money just talking about it on here and communicating with BLURT Devs. If anyone reading this doesn't know you can join the BLURT Discord and the people at the center are very accessible.

But further on the point of Branding, you can use If This Then That,, which is a platform which reposts to different places. So say you post all your BLURT blogs to Twitter, or wherever, IFTTT will repost it to various other platforms at the same time. This can then also include a PodCast, and YouTube Channel, or other Broadcast of some sort. We can see this for every Movie that is launched, TV Shows, Companies, Government Programs, COVID, etc, etc. And some people could actually benefit from studying PMBOK, it wouldn't hurt to have Project Managers and Business Analysts on the Platform doing things.

We could all benefit from BLURT Bumper stickers or Buttons, T-Shirts, etc. If you post on BLURT with a BLURT product, you can get BLURT for that instead of slowly earning Vote by Vote, you could have a Boost every time someone makes an Order. You could get people making bulk orders, themselves selling them for USD. This could start an entire Economy, there could be the Sticker Guy, the Shirt Guy, then eventually there could even be Rolling Papers or Blunts, etc, even Wrapped Cars, and other Products. We will be making Soap, Candles, etc.

Here we can see the Price of BLURT has recently risen dramatically, so what you can see from this is that if you had been the BLURT sticker guy 2 weeks ago, you would have likely been earning what now would be a substantial amount of BLURT. If you started now, you will likely be still be in a much better position than if you started later as BLURT is very likely to soon be $0.25 or $0.50.

One thing we need is Tools, like Widgets, and Scripts, things hosted on Websites or on GitHub that can then be used on Forums or Websites, like BLURT to USD price Tickers, BLURT to BTC price Tickers, and Price Charts, all to be Embedded and Picked up by others. To be posted in Thread Topics, and on Blogs. As you build a Hashtag or Brand, you should expect that your Hashtag is to be used elsewhere, when you think of your Hashtag it should just be thought of as a BLURT tag, like a post Category, it should be thought of as a Slogan, or Picket Sign, or Acronym, etc, etc. Hashtags should be versatile, and you then should expect that they are being used everywhere and then you will need to expect that those people will want to share this with their Followers or Subscribers, that they will be using the Hashtag and want to be able to track what is going on, that as you Follow this guide your own Followers will become successful at this. You should share information like this with your Followers, as I am with everyone on BLURT, Steemit, Facebook, etc. And they should also be sharing it. We should all be posting on Facebook, and teaching others how to Join and Earn as they become interested. In doing that, we all need to be completely aware that BLURT has less that 10,000 users, as you likely have hardly heard of BLURT, most people in the World have no idea. We are at a kind of point of Osmosis, where the way we have to operate is to go outside of BLURT, we should all be communicating about BLURT outside of BLURT more than we are on BLURT. Each Blog post should be posted at least 2 or 3 others Places, because people still need to see BLURT for their 1st time, and 2nd time, etc. If you are proud of a post share it with your friends by Text Message and suggest they all join, maybe use this as inspiration and create an Introductory post for them now and a Hashtag for your Brand or Country to go with it. We should generally be writing posts on BLURT with the idea of inviting a New Audience, and Building New Communities, there should be more talk of Community Organizing. There should just simply be RSS feeds being shared, and Backlinking being done.

BLURT holdings can be seen as Real Estate in a way instead of Stock. There has been a big question of how to discuss Cryptocurrency, for Tax Purposes, or other reasons and for those it is like a Song, or Book, or Play, and shouldn't be Taxed on the Holdings but the Sales; for STEEM there emerged Minnows, Dolphins and Whales as a Discussion Point, Whales already existing, like a Bull (Buying Popular rising Stocks) or Bear (Buying Popular falling Stocks; or Unpopular Potentially Good Preformers) there are Whales, which are big Holders. In a Stock Market environment they matter because if a 20% shareholder starts dumping Apple or Google Stock, the Prices will go down, this will Trigger Bots to Sell and Trigger Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) because maybe someone was bragging to someone that they had 500% earnings on their purchase last year or 2 years ago, and overnight that goes down 1/5 or 3/5 and now they feel like they need to Sell just to not loose Face, or they think Google or Apple are Dying, maybe no one Buys the new IPhone on Day 1 and an Article comes out calling it a Dud and that goes all over the Media and suddenly people question the Future and Sell at the "Peak", and now the Price falls. But maybe a few days later it all turns around. That also all happens with Cryptocurrency. But what we can see is Graphene Coins are more like Real Estate. Buying 51% of BLURT means you are not just a Whale, but THE Whale, and you control the Price, you could maybe do it with 10%. With 10% you definitely control the Direction as much as any Board Member on a Corporate Board. And the more that is Purchased and Locked up for use in Voting, Delegated, etc, etc, the Less there is for Sale. So if 5,000,000 people each own 2 BLURT, suddenly there is less for Sale, and there are less than 10,000 people on BLURT today. It is a New Frontier.

If we look at the PAL Network, we can see that they came together and bought small amounts of STEEM in the early days and they came together, similarly to what I am suggesting now but I think there should be more than one on BLURT. They all bought STEEM and someone made a Bot so they could all contribute to it and then ask it to reward people. BLURT already has a Bot in the Discord chat which you can use, it earns when you use it the same as you earn, and you can Delegate BP to it if you want. There could be entire community efforts just to educate people about that Bot and Delegate to it to create something for new Users, and really everyone. If we then look at the Cult of Kek we kind kind of see a less Desirable Image and Branding, but an example of Tokens being made, Delegation being done, etc. The PAL Network created STEEM-Engine, and HIVE-Engine for Tokens to be made, and the Cult of Kek made Tokens distributed on HIVE and Minds, we should do the same, but with a more Friendly Face, instead of being Trolls like those people were. We can see that DOGE was a funny meme, and SHIB is happening now, we should see those as examples of what we can do, but we can put more effort into our brands and things like that can just be a side part. We can see Anarchocapitalists took over early Steemit, then migrated to HIVE, I personally think we should host Debates. Against Anarchocapitalists, against whoever, everyone should be creating things like that eventually like Events, things should happen on BLURT that are Scheduled and Annual, etc. The 1st Annual, 2nd Annual blah blah blah event. There have been Politics of Graphene from BitShares, the ICO where everyone sold Tokens to fund projects with no Funding to start, @aggroed created Stakable Rewards Tokens, then there was the Split, and now DeFi which is actually perfect for the emergence of CryptoCurrencies which are hosted by Social Media, or Rewarded for engagement in other ways. Everyone will begin to start seeing these DeFi DAO Platforms begin to inspire others, and as Facebook becomes MetaVerse and Launches DIEM, we will soon after that begin to see others doing this, from people Cloning Steemit and making BLURT type websites (it is the first of what should be many, BLURT itself can be Cloned and the more BLURT you have the same amount will show up on the Clone in your account with the same password, that happened when both HIVE and BLURT were first made) to big Corporations and existing Facebook competitors adding Cryptocurrencies to their Social Media, or adding Social Media and other Rewards in Crypto to their Website.

We can actually reach out to companies to do this. We can start asking people online to accept BLURT, STEEM and HIVE, we can start asking Friends and Family the same as we could each other. You could offer someone Free BLURT or STEEM to create an account, then offer that they start accepting BLURT or STEEM to fund the account. This can be done various ways.

Discussion Groups
You can actually become a central part of BLURT by creating a Discord Chat, or Facebook Group, or any other Gathering Place outside of BLURT and start directing people to BLURT and sharing good tips and tricks with them on how to get started, or what to do next. Minds isn't ever really paid attention to, but anyone can create a Group there and start directing them elsewhere, and advertising that Group elsewhere, Minds is much like Steemit and can still use people talking about it elsewhere, I'm not sure there is a Big Minds Group on Facebook just as an example. So just between those 3 we can begin to create connections that don't yet exist, and start bringing more people to BLURT and enhancing various individual Delegation Programs and other things being set up by BLURT users to help other BLURT users.

Gold and Silver
Once Gold and Silver are offered, the Price will go way up. First off, if you had 1oz of Gold and Sold it for BLURT you would have a good amount, and if the Price goes up you benefit greatly. Now, if you sell Silver and Gold, on and on as a Business, now you are getting loads of BLURT and becoming like a BLURT Leader, like someone with more than almost anyone, very Quickly this could happen, and suddenly the biggest discussion on BLURT is the new guy accepting BLURT for Gold, and everyone on Facebook and elsewhere is talking about how there is a Blog where you can get Gold.

This should also be considered a part of becoming a Witness, right now it's not such a big deal, but in the Future this should be how Witnesses compete on the Platforms, with Hashtags, Cross Platform Outreach, Purchasing Ads, Building Noobies up, creating a Token, Rewarding people elsewhere (HIVE-Engine, BSC, ERC20, TRC20, etc) and asking them to Purchase BLURT with their Earnings. Being a Witness should include Helping people earn so their Votes matter more when they do Vote for you, as well as convincing them to Vote for you as a Witness. But this should be the Model every Business, every Token, every Company that Joins BLURT or STEEM should use this model.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for using my upvote tool 🙂
Your post has been upvoted (52.66 %)

Delegate more BP for better support and daily BLURT reward 😉

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by <@bestkizito >


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Interesting, iam new here, greeting sir, can you give me the link where i can start to knowing about how to become witness? thanks 💙
