Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb in your kitchen.

in blurtphoto •  2 years ago 


Someone please wipe the sweat off my brow, the pressure is too intense!

You have 10 seconds to decide what to do before your kitchen explodes and you have the following condiments

Green Pepper
Cheddar cheese

What scrumptious meal are you going to make incorporating all these delicious condiments?


10 9 8 7….

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm going for burritos... If no flour then salad.

Posted from https://blurt.one

A wise choice and I see you can think on your feet. You have made it out alive and need to bring in a crew to remodel your kitchen.

Who could have set this dastardly trap?

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)


Say the name!!

Say the name!!

You got me watching the "Zappa" documentary. I like Alice Cooper's cameos and Moon's valley girl talk. Zappa is so authentic that it makes me cry. I just wish he had a couple good friends.