*My article story The effect of prayer**

in blurtpak •  last year 

** السلام علیکم.**

I begin with the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Merciful
Hi All My Friends
Assalam Alaikum to all my friends, how
are you all friends, I hope you will be well and very well. I am also well by the grace of Allah and today I am going to share my past day with you. So let's start I got up a little late yesterday morning so I left the house for a while in the open air after that my breakfast was ready so I had breakfast after breakfast I was sitting outside the house with my animals. That my respected teacher came,
An experience of my life: If you work for happiness, then you will not get happiness, but if you work with happiness, then you will get happiness.
I am simple minded and like simplicity
Creation God is humble
This is the best way to love someone
And always remember him in your prayers
My Article Story
Saim Rites 🥀
My article story The effect of prayer

Today, the divine punishment that has been revealed in the whole world in the form of disobedience to Allah Almighty, love of wealth and property, every individual is repenting. Because it has become our habit that when individual or collective calamity descends on us. . So we repent to God. When the problem ends, then they start a life of selfishness. It is not useful to anyone and only wealth comes, so if everyone is inferior to us, then not from God. True love is not the love of his creatures, they only love themselves and their children. But those who love God and His creatures, God also protects him from all divine punishment. This time, if everyone repents with a sincere heart and promises to himself to help others, then the calamity can be avoided. . This is the story of a man who sincerely repented and God gave his son a healthy life through the prayers of a dervish., and today he owns a huge company. And how his father whose name is Rana Asif is dealing with God's creation. I dare to present this story. A few months ago I went to Karachi to attend a wedding. My friend Altaf Qadir also came there from Italy. (who hasn't been heard from for a few months). One day we both had nihari from Saddar's famous shop, whose nihari was very famous. There was no empty seat for dinner at night. Outside there was a long C line was also connected. Well, we got a seat in front of the owner's shop when it was empty. Although the rates were very high. But people have money to spend on themselves, but not to feed a poor person at a time. Then we asked Beery, who are these people standing in a long line outside?** Yes, will they be distributed free food by the owner?**
He slowly said, "The owner who is sitting in front should not give free food to anyone. For a long time, at the same time, a man would come quietly and give money to the owner and leave. But today, no one has seen this person." The line ends, but the food doesn't. There is a great blessing. In the earnings of this person, whatever is the dervish of this era. Well, we were busy eating Nahari. At the same time, a man in simple clothes came to the owner with a bag. The owner took him inside. He went to the room. The owner of the shop who was not paying attention to any customer came out after leaving him respectfully. As we usually look at everyone with wrong behavior, I thought the same. When we came out after eating, that person was also standing in the line of needy people outside. Unwillingly, I said who is this man who The shop owner gave so much importance. He himself is standing in the line to take his turn to take food. I pretended that I had to do something necessary. After promising to meet at the wedding house tomorrow, Altaf sat in the taxi and left. He walked away. I also slowly followed him and then boarded the Akhtar Colony bus and opened the lock in a quarter and went inside. After a short break, I took the bull under a well-thought-out plan. He came out, yes.. He said with a smile: "You are a Siddiqui and you are lying. You are following me with the president. Anyway, say, 'Do you need any kind of assistance?'" Those cupboards were full of notes and most of the notes were of large denomination ie five thousand. No sir by your prayers I get reasonable pension. I have no right to it. I said. Then what do you want?. I narrated the whole story to him how you paid the shop owner. Then joined the needy line and got his own paid meal. They said, 'The thing is, as far as payment is concerned, it was their right. And I stood in the line so that I also had to go through the situation that these needy people go through. But this change. How did it come? I asked. A dervish fakir changed my life and my son Yasir was given a new life by his prayers. And he is taking care of my business today. And according to the instructions of this fakir, I am trying to be safe from the punishment of the grave by serving God and his creatures a little. . My name is Waqar Usmani. My late father was the owner of a very big company after his death I became the owner of all the business being an only child. My wife was also educated and wealthy from a high family.Because wealth was the slave of our house, I was very proud and selfish. Zakat was never for charity, nor was Rana from relatives who were poorer than himself. I had a son. I gave him higher education. But suddenly he got a strange illness. He would shout loudly and he would get sick from pain. I showed doctors in Pakistan and even foreign countries but my son dried up and became skeletal in a few months. And the doctors replied that it was He is a guest for a few months. Then I remembered my God and God punished me for my pride in the form of my son's illness. When he catches, there is no one to rescue him. My wife and I used to cry and ask for forgiveness for our sins. I started giving Zakat, charity. During the month of Ramadan, my wife and I kept our fasts and prayed to Allah with forgiveness, or may Allah grant our son to live at least until Eid. On the 27th of Ramadan, my wife and I were sitting at the table for breaking the fast. gave the bull. I came out and saw a dervish-like man standing thereThey started saying, 'My son can break his fast. I respectfully brought him to the table. It was too late to break the fast. And began to cry. We felt that perhaps his time had come. My wife and I entered his room crying madly, and the dervish man said, 'Take courage. Trust in Allah. Nothing will happen. You people.' Go out. We both husband and wife came out crying. The voices had stopped. After a while, the call to prayer came from the mosque. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. We broke the fast. Then we both came back from praying in the nearby mosque, and my wife who was crying a few moments ago. She was going crazy. Fell at Darvish's feet with happiness. Our son was cured by Osmani Sahib's prayers. I also fell at his feet and was madly in love with my son. Well sir, thank you very much for breaking the fast. I want permission. My work is done. When he started to leave, I brought a briefcase full of notes and placed it at his feet. This is my offering to you. He refused and said this is what it is. Who filled you with pride. I folded my hands and begged for forgiveness and said give me some advice. Love God and His creatures and spend these pieces of paper in the way of God. I handed over the whole business to my son Yasir and in this quarter He dedicated his life to the service of humanity.
O Allah, grant me the opportunity to earn halal sustenance
اے اللہ مجھے رزق حلال کمانے کی توفیق عطا فرما
Every word is Masha Allah Masha Allah
ہر لفظ ماشاءاللہ ماشاءاللہ ہوتا ہے
I thank all those who read and like my article and vote like
جو لوگ میرا آرٹیکل پڑھتے ہیں اور پسند بھی کرتے ہیں اور ووٹ لائک بھی کرتے ہیں ان سب کا شکریہ ادا کرتا ہوں
O my God, help me
اے میرے اللہ میری مدد فرما
If someone wants to break up, there is only so much desire
کوئی ٹوٹ کر چاہے بس اتنی سی تمنا ہے
Then it doesn't matter if I scatter like sand
پھر ریت کی طرح بکھر بھی جاؤں تو کوئی بات نہیں
The love that breaks the limits of Allah is not love
جو محبتیں اللہ کی حدود توڑنے کی جاتی ہیں وہ محبت نہیں ہیں
Rather, it is the satisfaction of psychological desires and lust
بلکہ نفسیاتی خواہشات کی تسکین اور ہوس ہے
When there is harmony in the heart, stubbornness in the nature
جب دل میں میل طبیعت میں ضد
And let the competition come in words
اور لفظوں میں مقابلہ آجائے
So all three wins
تو یہ تینوں جیت جاتے ہیں
Just lose relationships and relationships
بس تعلقات اور رشتے ہار جاتے ہیں
It's a strange world, my friend, for which be sincere
عجیب دنیا ہے یار جس کے لیے مخلص رہو
That hypocrite comes out
وہی منافق نکل آتا ہے
In Allah's system, there is only one law of increasing sustenance
اللہ کے نظام میں رزق بڑھنے کا ایک ہی قانون ہے
The more you divide, the more it will increase
جتنا تقسیم کرو گے اتنا بڑھتا چلا جائے گا.
So glorify your Lord with praise
تو اپنے پروردگار کی تعریف کے ساتھ تسبیح کرو
And ask Him for forgiveness, indeed He is Oft-Forgiving
اور اس سے مغفرت مانگو بے شک وہ معاف کرنے والا ہے

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