Photographic postcards of a city

in blurtography •  3 years ago 


I have always loved to take photographs of architectural structures and buildings, trying to compose in the photographic frame, a different perspective between the shapes and symmetries of the structures I am interested in photographing. Of course this requires a lot of street walking, and in this case these photographs are part of a tour of the city of Valencia, Carabobo state - Venezuela.



Throughout the city of Valencia, you can find modern and traditional architectural works of a more colonial style, many of these buildings with many centuries of having been built, as well as many interesting stories to learn and tell.



In this way, it can always be a routine of life, walking around the city, for several kilometers, looking for the best or targets to photograph, or at least the most striking for me. Although there is always a motif to photograph wherever we are, there will always be a motif to compose within the photographic frame.

All photographs are my own and were taken with a Canon T3i camera.

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