What a Day

in blurtography •  2 years ago  (edited)






I went to visit my Mother as Sunday was Mothers Day here. I decided to come back this morning, and as luck would have it, we had a roadblock right at the foot of where the hilly country starts where we start leaving the valley I was at. I walked to the end of the roadblock which was well over a Kilometer long with trucks on both sides of the highway, there was only a narrow lane where private cars were allowed to pass, no buses.

So I walked expecting to find a bus coming this way on the other side of the roadblock but nothing doing so I kept on walking. After about five Kilometers a motorcycle stopped and the guy asked me if I wanted a ride as far as Jutiapa, a small town which is on the coastal lowland. I figured, what the heck, I will go. So off we went, after something about eight Kilometers he told me we had a flat so I would have to get off and so I did and he left. He left me at a place where there was a small pulperia, which is like a small grocery store, I went in to buy a Coca Cola and the owner shouted, take off that mask I have a gun, that was the second thing going wrong with the day. But I took the mask off, I had even forgotten about it, I told the guy I cant even run much less assault you, and he turned out Ok, I drank my Coke, left and kept on walking.

I guess fate does exist, about three kilometers on, I found the motorcycle guy again, at a roadside motorcycle repair shop with the motorcycle fixed, and he told me, well we meet again, jump on. Which I did, we travelled something like twenty Kilometers and just as we were getting to Jutiapa that tire exploded, he lost control of the motorcycle and we crashed against a hedge, we were going at around 50-60 Kms per hour. I was carrying a duffel bag and I hit the earth with my head but the bag worked as a cushion. The motorcycle was crushing my left leg and the guy was kind of woozy I guess because I was telling him to get it off of me and he wasn't even looking at me. Lucky we were very close to a gas station and two guys came and helped.

We walked into town with the motorcycle and there was a repair shop only about a hundred meters from where we had the accident, so I said goodbye to the motorcycle guy there and got on a bus. I got home and while I was mulling things over I figured as most of the day had been of bad luck things might change at the video poker place. So even with a very painful leg I went there and you know, that was the fourth bad luck thing that happened to me today, I lost all my money. In fact I am thinking of setting up a GoFundMe campaign based on my bad luck.

By the way, for some reason as I didn't even feel getting hit there, my knee is swollen.

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Amazing day you described in your publication.
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