playing with lovebirds

in blurtography •  3 years ago 



good night all friends, tonight I will post about my experience playing with my birds this afternoon, so besides having a hobby of playing bicycles I also have a hobby of keeping animals, one of which is keeping birds






Lovebirds are one of the most popular species of pet parrots.

This is because this bird is beautiful and intelligent, this little bird has been one of Africa's most beloved parrots for over 100 years.

However, there are a lot of myths out there about lovebirs, their behavior, and what it's like to have them as pets.

If you are interested in keeping it, it helps you know the facts about this adorable bird,

  1. Lovebirds can't imitate human voices

Although they are a type of parrot, and they have the ability to imitate human speech, lovebirds are not considered a talking bird.

This is because they very rarely decide to speak, and if they choose to imitate sounds, they are more likely to repeat simple sounds like whistles or household sounds like doorbells and the microwave.

It is not known why some couples are more likely to imitate speech than others. The talking lovebird is taught this behavior from a very young age.

  1. There are several types of lovebirds

There are many types of lovebirds. There are nine separate sub-species of this little parrot, each carrying different traits and characteristics.

These include the Masked Lovebird, Black-cheeked Lovebird, Fischer's Lovebird, Nyasa Lovebird, Swindern Lovebird, Red-faced Lovebird, Abyssinian Lovebird, Madagascar Lovebird and Peach Lovebird.

Peach-faced lovebirds, being the most popular, can be recognized by the rainbow colors of yellow, green, and blue on their bodies as well as their bright pink faces.

Although different types of birds have different appearances and temperaments, on average, all lovebirds can live up to 20 years in captivity.





  1. The smallest parrot

Although they are true parrots, lovebirds are one of the smallest members of the parrot family.

On average, most lovebirds are between 12 and 17 cm long as adults, when measured from the beak to the tip of the tail feathers.

Their small size has boosted their popularity among birds that can be kept in apartments and other small spaces.

Many of these bird lovers find it easier to raise and care for these little birds than to try to keep larger parrot species such as macaws or cockatoos.

Also read: 3 Types of Pet Birds that are Good for Children

  1. Lovebirds don't always have to be kept in pairs

It is a widely recognized myth that you should never have solitary lovebirds and if not kept in pairs, they will die of depression.

It is true that they are very social birds that thrive on interaction and should be socially stimulated, in most cases, bird owners have to keep these birds alone.


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