Understanding power.... Lessons for liberals #1

in blurtnews •  2 years ago  (edited)

Power, or rather, the perception of it, is a funny thing.

Liberals Smoothbrains tend to have 'power dyselxia'.
They don't seem to be able understand the fundamental essence of it.

From my extensive studies into this malady, I think Eleanor Roosevelt's classic saying has some bearing on 'the why's' of it.


.... in combination with a misaligned perception of your KYP (Know Your Place) in a hierarchy.
(hubris + insecurity, many times).


A social media platform relies on interactions and posts that are interesting in some way.
NO interaction?.. No social media platform.

With interactions comes agreements, disagreements, laughter, conflict - A whole gamut of emotions and thoughts.

'Power dyslexia' in the liberal smoothbrain is (in my opinion) a mixture of not understanding your KYP, plus the size of your mind (a-la-roosevelts saying)....oh, and small penises.
Ok, I was joking about the penis thing - I meant to say 'no sense of humor'.
In fact, I was joking about that too.
ok, ok - It has nothing to do with no sense of humor, either - I just couldn't think of a way to insert a 'small penis joke' here in any other way.

I digress...

You cannot expect a 'small mind' to grasp higher concepts of 'the great mind'.
This is not to say they cannot - but 'small minds' interests, lie elsewhere.

When hubris + insecurity are applied to the equation - everything becomes distorted.

Thus, the 'hierarchy of competence' also becomes distorted.
'Power dyslexia' kicks in.

In terms of DPoS blockchain social media, this can express itself
by thinking that wallet size infers some kind of power, when in reality it confers nothing of the sort.

This is a problem for the liberal smoothbrain, whose world view is very much aligned to the material (money =power=intelligence).

It's a case of 'the small or average mind', talking about rich lists or what they can do with their money, not higher concepts (philosophy, etc).

The social hierarchy and wallet size in the small/average mind, when confronted with a great mind, becomes a substitute - a sword.
A poor substitute obviously, and not one up for the task - but it's all they have.

When hubris and insecurity are mixed into the equation the 'small/average mind' elevates themselves (in their own ego inflated head) to being 'a great mind'.
This is painful.
Both to watch, and to be part of.

The 'faux great mind' resorts to non great mind strategies to compensate, trying to social hierarchy or wallet size to try and exert dominance over the 'great mind'...(bless)
It's easy enough to see it being played out, in blurt.
(multiple times - just on my account alone).

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Witnessing the emotional meltdown of those trying to use social hierarchy or wallet size as a form of dominance over greater minds is both embarrassing to observe - and VERY counter productive.
I.E -The liberal smoothbrain in action.

'Small mind, average mind, great mind' - IT DOESN'T MATTER !!!!

Wherever you lie in this hierarchy, it's not important.
Everyone is of value. Everyone has something to bring to the table.

You just have to know which table it is, that you're sitting at....(K...Y...P!)

But when hubris inflates you above your own 'hierarchy of competence' - A beautiful person can turn ugly, an average mind can become a small mind, (as can a great mind).

And when the hurt ego and emotionally maladjusted individual can't cope?
Resentment, and inability to let it go.
An inability to grow (up).

One example of this is using 'the flying monkey' strategy.

'Flying monkey' is a psychology term that refers to an enabler of a highly narcissistic person or someone with narcissistic personality disorder.

Its another way of saying "abuse by proxy" or having someone else do the bidding of a hurt narcissist.
Narcissist flying monkeys are individuals recruited by other narcissists, to actively participate in manipulation and abuse.
The term 'flying monkeys' comes from 'the Wizard of Oz' - monkeys who were under the spell of the Wicked Witch and did her bidding against Dorothy and her friends.


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Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I do not wish to yield any power over anyone .
All the power i have is what you will give me when you do not know your place .
Sometimes i do not know my place , and am powerless , but just keep only watching the place ,. to somehow learn my place in it all .
And sometimes , i do not want anything to do with the place .
And just make a comment .



Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

lol...you get it....now we just have others to work on...sometimes you might not to want to wield 'the power' (not my gig or yours)...but it's not always our choice - those pesky ethics and morals make us servants, not masters...and so must wield the power as part of the responsibility.

....Such as Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus , who returned to farming after being dictator, or George Washington who had the army behind him, and could have most definitely taken total control.

People who wield power in good faith, and not be corrupted by it - never want it, it's just a necessary tool at the time..

liberals don't -can't - understand this ...

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org