in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

If you find his content disturbing or you think he is a lunatic please use the mute option. You can see clearly that he doesn’t care about this platform but is focused on destroying it. When you speak up against him he will make images to mock you. All he does is try to say thing that doesn’t even make sense and try to make it look like he has sense.

I am a happy person and muting @lucylin brought me more joy than I can even imagine. I encourage you to try it and see. Lucylin is bad news and should be muted by every user on blurt. Very soon I may start a campaign to help solve this menace. I open blurt without seeing useless posts and this is joy on another level.
I also added some flesh since I muted this menace
Called lucylin.



lucylin is a lonely person that needs attention and unfortunately I am giving him what he needs because I am a good person and want to engage him. He wants to destroy blurt and he will not succeed
Mute lucylin if you find his content disturbing!

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You're giving him too much attention Bro! That's what he wants. Be wise and focus your attention on those who are doing good for the platform and the blockchain. 🙏

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I will do that thanks!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

....it's being run into the ground by idiots....that is what's happening to the platform...

"we didn't create math, we discovered it"

said every mathematician, ever.

" I didn't create the bullshit, I discovered it "

Said all people who uncover the ugly truths hiding behind the facades of smiles.

...Oh, by the way - I still have your 'free speech/mute function' video thing to finish off - you do know that you spouted off some totally philosophical contradictions, and was, intellectually beyond very weak..

"....I didn't create the bullshit, you did) - I just I discovered it "...

Seeing how this works, yet ? I do hope so, matey.
It all starts with honesty and losing the sycophancy bullshit...
(and your spine will thank you for it later).

Make Gerald Celente proud !
(..I do).

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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Manually curated by @abiga554

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You are a witness?...WTF?...



Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

I would ask that you please not feed this situation. Wiser to have disengaged more quickly but the past is the past.

You are a highly respected member here in the Blurt community. You denigrate yourself by entertaining his words created to seek submission. There is no need to defend who you are as a man, who you are as a leader in the Blurt community. Men of stature in their community have no need to squander their energy in such foolish endeavors. You are such a man here.

He will paint the picture of himself as accurately as your actions and words before this needless conflict have painted a picture for all of us. If you allow him to get under your skin and grow dis-ease within you, you surrender your sacredness.

He is lost in a battle most can't see, leave him to that and perhaps find pity in your heart that he has this curse of restlessness in his heart he is unable to free himself of.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think that’s the best thing for now and I won’t try to feed him again. He enjoys it when someone does that to him so he can reply to them lol. I will focus on doing my best for blurt and leave him alone. Thanks for the kind reminder I appreciate!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

penguin 2.gif

Men of stature in their community have no need to squander their energy in such foolish endeavors. You are such a man here.
He is lost in a battle most can't see, leave him to that and perhaps find pity in your heart that he has this curse of restlessness in his heart he is unable to free himself of.


Your perspective of the world is very severely, severely, fucked up....

What the hell went wrong with you ?...
....btw, I'm the most chilled out person I know, when not dealing with morons ...so there is that..lol...

CIMG3993 - Copy (3) - Copy - Copy.JPG

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You really don't wanna try to get into the ring of free speech with me, matey.

You're making yourself look very silly - or evil - or both ...

pengium free speech.gif

If you ever decide to wanna grow up - I'm here to help - would love to help you, in fact.

I don't think you're fundamentally a bad person - you're just a moron...And I can help you with that, but only if you can drop the ego...

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Love your selfies and that big self upvote ,... it's all the info i need .
It's telling me more then all you wrote down there .

Very soon I may start a campaign to help solve this menace

Blurt at 0,004 ,... and i do think your soon to come campaign will take it down some more , as it will be a great witness and advertisement to Blurt , in a very negative way ,.. showing immature insecure emotionally
unstable behavior like you do as a witness ( policymaker ) on this platform .

He wants to destroy blurt and he will not succeed

No one wants to destroy blurt ,.. and if anyone is destroying it , it's you , no matter how much flesh you are adding to the network . Muting and regulating free speech , creating "safe" places might keep YOU from getting but hurt , but will never do any good to the price of Blurt .
Your good intentions are paving a road to hell .

Looking forward to your "campaign" ,.. it might make me laugh a bit at least . As it's always fun to see a moron taking himself down some more . Like crysomemore , mute some more ,... and stick your head in the sand a bit deeper .
cya gg

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

....have you noticed the correlation between those who upvote themselves all the time, and poor quality posts?...says a lot...

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I also added some flesh

It's not about quality ,.. it's about quantity ,.. they think , lol .

100 with a quality score of 1 = 1 in value
1 with a quality score of 100 = 100 in value

1 will never become 100 on quantity , when will they ever get that ?
And making a 100 a 1 for equality or a 1 a 100 is never a good way to manipulate a market .
It will fail and self destruct ,.. as always .

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I wouldn't be to quick to use the word 'think' when trying to describe some of those 'in power'....the evidence of such is very scarce on that score.

oh, btw, matey - you'll have some 'auto investment' in my new project !
(when I've worked out how the fuck I'm gonna do it !...lol...welcome aboard !)

343434 (2) - Copy.jpg

4 - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy.jpg
ok, ok - it's a design in progress- not my forte !

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Go and cry elsewhere!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Do you think that your comment gives proof of a mature sane human ?
I rest my case ,.. the point is in your last reply , for all to see and judge .

Again you show a destructive behavior towards yourself and the whole platform .

Go and cry elsewhere!

A very blurt destructive suggestion if you ask me ,.. Like why would i go of platform and cry about that same platform "elsewhere" ?
I probably will only take down the value of my own investment in blurt some more by doing just that .
Call me a fool , but i will not work on destruction of my own invests . Seeing how troubled they are i will also not recommend investing in this network at this time to anyone , i can't lie , not even for my own profit .
So do you really want me to do as you suggested ? ,.. if so , your again being a negative force to the Blurt value .


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If you side Lucy and come to attack me for attacking Lucy and try to make me look like the evil villain then I doubt if I should be replying to your comments even.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

....and come to attack me for attacking Lucy....

....and there we have it.
little bez continuing on with showing his talent of getting it all wrong...again

...playing the victim when it was YOU who initiated events....

...'narcissistic victim mentality', anyone ?**

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Not taking any sides other then free speech and free market .
As a witness you made a post calling out to mute @lucylin an mass .
I don't think your action shows good advertisement for Blurt , so i took my right to comment on it .
Was i attacking you , by questioning your narratives ?
Did i mention good and evil , you being a villain ?
Or are those fictions of your own mind ?

then I doubt if I should be replying to your comments even.

Is your doubt ( confusion ) not just that ,.. you assuming to much ?
Anyways , besides free speech we all have the freedom not to speak to .
And sometimes , not speaking out just might be better .

Like ignorance is evil ,... i could have opposed lucy there , but i don't think i should , for i didn't want to spoil his works ( on you ) . ;-)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

With the way you hve commented I can see you weren’t expecting that from me and you are disappointed. I don’t hate Lucy I just don’t feel comfortable with what he is doing. If you want to correct me next time and you want me to hear you please use kind words, I will listen and know that I can’t be right always.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I just don’t feel comfortable with what he is doing.

I know @lucylin from when he just wrote high quality post's about his experience with free market , trade and common human behavior . Nothing close to what he's doing now , post with good info and humor on all sorts of topics in a very profitable way ,.. like it sells ,.. a good thing when we talk about investments and growth for a platform relying on it's content creators for the value of it's coin .
Not that i always agree with his views , but they always entertain , they always sell , and so add value to the coin .
So in a very weird way , lucy , by showing the blind spots and flaws in the blurt governance system , adds value ,.. but also destroys it by doing so the way he does now . Reading his post's isn't a invitation to join blurt , but it's a truth that has to be told .

I thank him for doing so , as he could have made more profit elsewhere . Ask yourself , if it's not evil that drives Lucy , then what is it ? What makes you feel uncomfortable ,... the truth , behind the clown ( penguin ) ?
That he is human just like you and me ?

Kindness creates weak men , use it wisely only . ;-)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com