Updating on the Bug Eaters over Winter.

in blurtnature •  2 years ago 

They are not pretty in the dead of winter and they are hard to photograph well in the cold.


The dew attracts insects and when they get caught, they get stuck.


These are two photos (above and left) of the same plant. Close up, it is beautiful but the whole plant looks appears drab. The one that has no green has spent the winter right next to the largest of my sun-dew plants and for some reason it looks like it has not survived. Time will tell I guess.

Days have been hitting highs of 56 degrees and nights are as low as 41 degrees. I read that these can take the cold and four of them did survive. Fifteen others are definitely dead.


Here is another sun-dew that appears to be surviving. This one looks like plants I had seen on other's videos showing the dormant phase of the plant. Mine appears to be conserving its energy in its core and roots. That could be the case with some of the dead looking ones too but I am not sure.

In past years, I had kept nearly a hundred carnivorous plants inside using a grow light but many did not make it because of lower temperatures and humidity. I am still learning to produce these amazing plants.



These two are the other thriving specimens, the one on the right is the only one that survived indoors but it missed its dormant phase so we will have to see how it turns out.


Low humidity makes it hard for the plant to produce the sticky substance that catches the bugs.

Once I find the best way to keep these kinds of plants alive, I will be buying more of the Venus Fly Traps and Pinguiculas because I like to sell these exotics in the summer. All of these were outgrowing their pots when the cold hit, so they have all shrunken to half their summer sizes. Bugs are few and far between also over winter, but I am happy that they will make it. Yesterday hit 70 degrees so spring is in the air!


Posted from https://blurt.live

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