Who are you? Don't try to succeed

in blurtmotivation •  3 years ago 


In order for us to be able to control ourselves in a better direction, we must recognize our potential so that we can develop it as optimally as possible. Basically, humans have various potentials and intelligences. Howardd Gardner (1993) calls it the term Multiple intelligences. Gardner shares some of the intelligence that humans have as follows.

  • Musical intelligence


It is a person's ability to change songs, sing and play music. This intelligence is commonly found in playwrights, songwriters, conductors, and several other types of musical artists. They have characteristics that are sensitive to tone, emotional strength of music, complex musical compositions, and are very spiritual.

  • Body-kinesthetic intelligence


It is a person's ability to use limbs. This intelligence is usually found in dancers, athletes, surgeons, karateka, racers, mechanics, and so on. Like Michael Jordan, Cristiano Ronaldo, Valentino Rossi, and others. This type has the power to control the body, objects, time, physical response (reflexes), is also strong in terms of remembering.

  • Logic-mathematical intelligence


It is a person's ability to memorize, calculate, and deal with logical thinking. This intelligence is usually found in mathematicians, scientists, scholars, police, investigators, lawyers, and accountants. They have prominent characteristics such as abstract thinking, arithmetic, orderly, accuracy, experimenting, and using logic.

  • Speaking intelligence


This is kind of for a newsreader or writer. This intelligence is usually found in novelists, poets, orators, editors, journalists, and others. They have characteristics that are sensitive to patterns, orderly and systematic, able to argue, like to listen, write, read, remember skills, are also experts in oral communication.

  • Space intelligence


This is a person's ability to paint, photograph, or sculpt. This intelligence is generally possessed by architects, painters, sculptors, navigators, chess machines, physicists, and combat experts. They have the characteristics of thinking with pictures, have configurative senses, like hand art, easy to read maps or charts, great at color, also experts in appreciation.

  • Interpersonal intelligence


This is a type of one's ability to have relationships with other people. Proficient in interacting and able to read situations when dealing with other people. This intelligence is usually found in police, teachers, religious leaders, advisors, managers, public relations and others. This intelligence has the characteristics of having high negotiating skills, adept at establishing relationships, being able to read the intentions of other people, being able to enjoy the atmosphere in a crowd, having many friends, being able to communicate well, likes to be a referee to solve other people's problems, and clever. read the social conditions around them.

  • Intrapersonal intelligence


It is a person's ability to manage one's own feelings and awareness. This kind of intelligence we usually find in advisors, philosophies, teachers, and the type of people who have high self-awareness. The famous figure who has this intrapersonal intelligence is like Plato, a famous philosopher. The characteristics of people who have this intelligence are sensitive to themselves, very sensitive to their feelings, sensitive to life goals, aware of their strengths and weaknesses, and always want to be different from others.

  • Naturalist Intelligence


This is a person's ability to recognize objects around him. This intelligence is usually found in scientists and nature adventurers. They have traits with more curiosity and love for the natural surroundings.

  • Spiritual Intelligence


This is one's ability to make sense of life. According to Ian Marshal, people who have this intelligence are able to think realistically, are able to learn from failure, are ready to take risks for their actions, and are consistent with their actions and words. This is included in extraordinary intelligence.

  • Spiritual Intelligence


In addition to the multiple intelligences we have mentioned above, humans have a very important intelligence given by God, namely spiritual intelligence. This is a person's ability to be able to listen to his conscience or the whisper of the truth that is within him to make decisions or make choices, empathize, and adapt. This type of person loves the truth, and is loyal to his heart.

To develop all these intelligences, we need to learn and keep learning. Don't stand still, at least walk, if you can run, run as fast as you can to reach your dreams. The intelligence you have is not able to lead you to success without effort.

As I explained above, that every human being has basic abilities in each of them or what we call self-potential, to become something, you must know what capital you have. You can't be a writer if your talent is a sculptor. Maybe you can, but it's hard. So, to be something with perfect results you have to know it.

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About Author:


Muchsin Alman

I come from Aceh, Indonesia. I was born in October 1994. I am a trader in several Crypto markets, besides I am also a writer of fiction and poetry. Besides that I am a community founder, such as; FOKUS and KOPI HITAM. This is a community that focuses on the education of minors. I am also part of the humanitarian community, namely BMU, KSL and several other communities. this is a community of young people who care about education and humanity.
I focus on charity and humanitarian work. Because for me there is no single satisfaction eternal apart from the satisfaction of seeing the smiles of others because of us.

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