Success or Failure? Choose it Now!

in blurtmotivation •  3 years ago 


I think this title is a bit suitable for those who dare to succeed. Remember one thing, failure and success both have the same business, it's just that you choose a different path. Okay fine, this time I'm going to be a little rough, if that's what you think, this is according to the way of speaking of a motivator who is a source of inspiration for me, as well as for many people around the world.

However, I also have a beautiful and gentle source of inspiration. But we don't need to be gentle or not a motivator, but the content of the orations they convey will make your hair goosebumps?.

This time I challenge you all to succeed, dare to try?
This post is not for those who are selfish, who want to live alone, want to be successful by begging for upvotes and follow to achieve their own success, because this platform is for those who can work as a team, as a community or group. My advice for those of you who are still using ancient methods to succeed, or you are in this room just for money, as I said before, delete your account and start looking for a decent job, because this platform is not a money making machine.

However, here we are good at appreciating someone's work and we are willing to pay dearly.

What is success?

To take medicine, you must first know the type of illness so that you don't take the wrong medicine, if not, then I think your illness will increase and can even make you die instantly. Success has different definitions, it's according to one's way of thinking. And I think success is when you are able to make yourself and the people you love happy, and you are useful to others. However success is not a guarantee of happiness, but you are near the peak. Success is not easy, it's as easy as turning the palm of the hand, success takes struggle and sacrifice.

If you want to be successful, then what have you sacrificed here?.

At least the energy and time.


Tips for success on the platform:

  • Target and accuracy,To achieve perfect results you must create targets and accuracy so that your aim does not miss, you must complete missions for a perfect achievement. And in this challenge I will give you several missions, you dare to fight in this mission?

  • Super post, Your first challenge is to create an outstanding post, with useful content and with a clear and definite delivery. Because long-winded posts will make readers sick and bored, even leave you. Moreover, the posts you make are perfunctory. It's better if you want to throw garbage not on this platform. (Remember, not everything you think is best is also good for others, you must know the path and the terrain you are taking, must be in accordance with the times, unless you are giving motivation to people living in the 18th century).

  • Network building, You know this is not a private room?. Here you can not rise alone, you will not be the ruler. If you want to be successful immediately, join those who are already successful, join the existing community, it will open your mind. Try visiting great people's blogs and see how they are successful.

  • So honorable man, To be successful you have to be a respectable human being, don't beg for upvotes and follow. Because they will be disgusted and disgusted by you, especially the posts you make are of no value. To get upvotes and follow, it is enough to give them a good impression, if they are happy, your post will become an important game for them.

  • Pray, be patient and grateful, This last challenge looks easy doesn't it? But in fact this is not as easy as you see. Be patient when your posts are empty of visitors, don't despair, it's only a matter of time, if not because you haven't got them, maybe they haven't found you. If this post is useful, please vote, follow and reblog. Give your input in the comments column as additional knowledge for me.

And thank you for the motivator, hopefully it will continue to be a source of goodness for many people.
(Image free by:

About Author:


Muchsin Alman

I come from Aceh, Indonesia. I was born in October 1994. I am a trader in several Crypto markets, besides I am also a writer of fiction and poetry. .
I focus on charity and humanitarian work. I think I will take advantage of technological advances such as Blockchain and Cryptocurency to be able to help others. And this is my goal, because for me there is no single satisfaction eternal apart from the satisfaction of seeing the smiles of others because of us.

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