Domestic values is also for the male child

in blurtmob •  2 years ago 

For a long time now this mentality of Domestic values are for the girl child only should be aborted.
In our society the girl child is being reminded how she should behave in her husband’s house, how the family lies on her shoulder. She is taught how to respect her husband, she should be a submissive wife, she should swallow and tolerate everything that marriage throws at her without speaking out. You see why our women are being treated like animals and yet they don’t speak out because if they speak out, the society at large will mock her for not being able to handle her marriage affairs very well.
Proverb 22.6: Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
If our parents will only train up our male child domestically then our society will be better.
Domestic Values should be impacted into the lives of the male children, they should be taught how abominable it is to hit a woman, how important it is to respect, care for, love and value women. The male child should also be taught how to render help to their wives not only financially but in other aspects that will help the family to grow.

You know there is always an elder by the corner to reprimand a girl child when she is not properly behaved. He will always ask her “is this how you will behave in your husbands house”?
Have anyone asked the male child if this is how he will behave when he marries a wife?.


Domestic Values should be impacted to the both Genders not just one gender only .


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  
