Home cleaning

in blurtlive •  2 years ago  (edited)




Home cleaning is inevitable because it's an unending circle of tasks and most times it is so exhausting. Even when you live by yourself, keeping a house clean and tidy is a chore and it is not stressful because I can do my chores any time and any day.

I don't think I need to hire some professional cleaning personnel to do those tasks for me because I still fit in unless I have kids and a family of my own. I'm sure most of us know that running home cleaning can be worrisome especially when both partners have a job that needs close attention.

No doubt most of us have heard this saying that goes this way "cleanliness is next to godliness", it's simply an adage for us to comprehend the fact that being neat and clean is a part of our routine to be healthy because it has its benefits.

Basically, is this adage proven that being extremely clean determines you would be godly? I guess not...I ain't delving into this but what my content is about has something to do with it.

I don't know if it's a routine but I know it's certain for almost everyone that weekends are for the cleanup and this happens in most African settings but I can't say furthermore, cause I know the fact that everyone cleans their home.

As for me, I love being in a neat and serene environment. Gosh! It disgusts me to see specks of dirt littering the environment of my home or elsewhere and I can't have a slobby companion at all, talk less of visiting such a person.

Keeping my home clean gives me the soothing aura and vulnerability to be comfortable. I sort of feel free, I can't describe that feeling and the reverse is the case, I just cling to one area till I clean up lol. In the picture above, you can see my center table not in the center hehe, and my curtains lifted, folded up, and immersed in between the window iron.


Image is mine

This is my sitting room, the apartment is a two-bedroom. The bathroom is located on the left-hand side of the picture just around the central air, if you stare carefully you would see the multiple color cushions on the sofa.



Just yesterday, It took me roughly 5 hours to do almost all the cleaning at home which entails doing dishes, mopping, sweeping, dusting the kitchen cabinets, a portion of laundry, and so forth.

I ain't done yet though and I figured out the amount of time I wasted indulging in this act and also using it to measure families who are four to five in number. I was left in awe of my thoughts and that's when I understood the whole point of hiring a housekeeper is to delegate some of the stress in your life.

So today, being Sunday, I have to round up the remaining tasks in the house and rearrange my home appliances back to the usual position. I derive utmost satisfaction in cleaning my home not because I enjoy the stress but because I enjoy doing it myself. In this way, I don't have to say "please leave that", "please don't touch that" and so forth. It's one thing I enjoy doing during the weekend and after that other leisure activities can follow.

Thanks for reading my piece 🦋


Sunday, 4rd of September 2022


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