view of the city of Banda Aceh from the top of the lampisang hill

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 


Hello friends, this time I want to share a camping post on Lampisang Hill, a hill in the Aceh Besar area. On this hill you can see the view of the city of Banda Aceh.
Lampisang hill is not too far from downtown Banda Aceh about 30 minutes by motorbike. To climb it you only need 45 minutes. The view of the city of Banda Aceh is very beautiful at night when the building lights, street lights, look very beautiful

Hallo sahabat kali saya ingin berbagi postingan camping di bukit lampisang sebuah bukit yang berada di daerah Aceh besar. Di atas bukit ini anda dapat melihat pemandangan kota Banda Aceh.
Bukit lampisang tidak terlalu jauh Dari pusat kota Banda Aceh kira kira 30 menit perjalanan menggunakan sepeda motor. Untuk mendakinya anda hanya butuh waktu 45 menit. Pemandangan kota Banda Aceh sangat cantik ketika malam hari lampu lampu gedung lampu jalan terlihat sangat indah


Lampisang hill is not too high but from the top of this hill you can already see the view of the whole city of Banda Aceh.

Bukit lampisang memang tidak terlalu tinggi tapi dari atas bukit ini anda udah bisa melihat pemandangan seluruh kota Banda Aceh.


Usually every holiday, many visitors come to climb Lampisang hill to see the view of Banda Aceh city at night.

Access to the climbing road is still very extreme. You have to be careful when climbing the Lampisang hill. The wind from the sea is sometimes also very strong, you have to bring a thick jacket if you want to climb this lampisang hill.

Biasa setiap hari libur banyak pengunjung yang datang mendaki bukit lampisang untuk melihat pemandangan kota Banda Aceh ketika malam hari.

Untuk akses jalan pendakian nya masih sangat extrem Anda harus berhati-hati ketika melakukan pendakian di bukit lampisang. Angin dari arah laut terkadang juga sangat kecang anda harus membawa jaket Tebal jika ingin melakukan pendakian di bukit lampisang ini.

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Thank you for your support to me. I'm so grateful you've been curated by @dsc-r2cornell.

I like the first picture, it fits right there, it's a super shot. The other two are unfortunately quite blurred.



I only use a Xiaomi smartphone camera.
The smartphone that I use is also having problems with the camera.

for future posts I will try to take clear photos.
Thank you for your visit