RE: Woe unto you lawyers... Luke 11:52

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Woe unto you lawyers... Luke 11:52

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

License and registration sir

Sir!? How dare you call me that! I identify as a washing machine, whirlpool to be specific.

Did I just get called "you"? I identify as a boot as in imma stick in your washer if you don't give me your license.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

LOL , NEVER ! identify as a machine or dead object , it will tie you to it's purpose .
Like as a washing machine i would leave you in a public laundry to be over stuffed with filthy clothes soap and water until you break down and are ready for the scrap yard .

No , high/being and supreme/creation ,. try arguing with that , ..
Having no licence or registration can't keep me from being omnipresent sir .
So why bother asking me sir ?

Btw , i don't mind if you identify as a high/being , supreme/creation , to .
As anyone is free to do so .


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What does it feel like to be a higher being?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

feels ,. very very aware .
Walking true nature the birds sing to me ,
when i move my hands fruits of plenty will grow in my garden .
When i raise my voice the beast will stay silent .

In nature we are the supreme creation .
Not in physical form , but in our imaginary form ,.. the realm of the heart mind and spirit .
We can think and make decisions on the highest level in the kingdom of species .
With all the good or bad that may flow from that .
For we all are supreme creations ,. just not all on the level of High/Being . Where just being high does not cut it , being high is just the start , anyone can get high . The trick is to stay there , like forever . I did and do , so i am High/Being now and forever .

What really get's you up there is reading ,. reading all old philosophy , from Ancient Atlantis and Sumeria to religion controlled monarchy's in this age and time . Knowledge is one thing , just data , awareness is giving insight in reason . Like the sun in the sky is giving reason to life on Earth .

Carry on fellow human ,. keep walking in the lights .