Ready for fight? - My first time in a paintball field. / Preparados para la batalla? - Mi primera vez en un campo de paintball.

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

Hey amigos como están?, les traigo una increíble aventura que jamás pensé vivir, mi primera experiencia en el paintball, lo mas increíble que he hecho en lo que va de 2022, y sin duda alguna mi aventura con mas adrenalina.
Desde hace muchos años siempre había querido jugar o practicar este deporte (se que en algunos paises se hacen torneos y se considera deporte), no había tenido la oportunidad, por que habían muy pocas canchas de paintball en mi ciudad, pero al pasar el tiempo algunas reabrieron sus puertas al publico y otras nuevas de inauguraron.

Hey friends how are you, I bring you an incredible adventure that I never thought I would live, my first paintball experience, the most incredible thing I have done so far in 2022, and without a doubt my adventure with more adrenaline.
For many years I had always wanted to play or practice this sport (I know that in some countries there are tournaments and it is considered a sport), I had not had the opportunity, because there were very few paintball fields in my city, but over time some reopened their doors to the public and other new ones were inaugurated.

Para esta pequeña aventura me acompañaron amigos de la secundaria, a los cuales tenia 4 años sin verlos, planeamos una reunión y asistimos 6 personas, el resto de los participantes de la fotografía fueron extraños que conocimos ese mismo día, y jugamos con ellos. Personas increíbles y atentas, muy amigables que hicieron que esto fuera mas divertido por que con ellos pudimos jugar un 9vs9, y con algunos candidatos de reserva.

For this little adventure I was accompanied by friends from high school, whom I had 4 years without seeing them, we planned a meeting and 6 people attended, the rest of the participants of the photograph were strangers that we met that same day, and we played with them. Incredible and attentive people, very friendly that made it more fun because with them we were able to play a 9vs9, and with some reserve candidates.


Un día común y corriente como cualquier otro, todo eso fue lo que creímos hasta vivir esta experiencia, ya que al llegar al sitio vimos la cancha de paintball desde lejos, las bolitas de pintura en el suelo, manchas en muchos sitios y un lugar muy bien decorado y ubicado en cuanto a visibilidad. Lo primero que hicimos fue retratar todo para tener el recuerdo, el ambiente, el local de comida, el área de descanso y la cancha que fue lo mas increíble sinceramente.

An ordinary day like any other, that's what we thought until we lived this experience, because when we arrived at the site we saw the paintball field from afar, the paintball balls on the ground, stains in many places and a very well decorated and located place in terms of visibility. The first thing we did was to take pictures of everything to have the memory, the environment, the food place, the rest area and the field, which was the most incredible thing honestly.






Pasamos al siguiente nivel, el área de practicas con tiro al blanco, como todos éramos novatos con las marcadoras o pistolas de pintura, decidimos practicar algunos tiros para ver como funcionaban, al igual que las armas reales tienen seguro, y pesan algunos gramos, no son para nada ligeras, la mirilla esta a un lateral y no es fácil acostumbrarse.
Recibimos las instrucciones adecuadas de un experto para manejar correctamente las marcadoras (así le llaman a las pistolas de pintura), todos tuvimos 5 intentos, y yo acerté en 3 de ellos.

We moved on to the next level, the target practice area, as we were all beginners with the markers or paintball guns, we decided to practice some shots to see how they worked, just like the real guns they have a safety, and they weigh a few grams, they are not light at all, the sight is on the side and it is not easy to get used to it.
We received the proper instructions from an expert to correctly handle the markers (that's how they call the paintball guns), we all had 5 attempts, and I hit in 3 of them.






Llego el momento de jugar, así que recibimos las indicaciones del equipo de paintball, las reglas del juego, las normas dentro de la cancha, como por ejemplo nunca quitarse la careta, como hacer funcionar la disparadora cuando esta deje de funcionar y otras cosas. Recibimos el equipo adecuado, careta, chaleco y las respectivas marcadoras con 100 esferas para cada uno.
Las normas del juego, nada de disparos a menos de 5m de distancia, el juego era captura la bandera, y cuando alguno era marcado 3 veces debía regresar al punto de partida.

It was time to play, so we received instructions from the paintball team, the rules of the game, the rules within the field, such as never take off the mask, how to operate the trigger when it stops working and other things. We receive the proper equipment, mask, vest and the respective markers with 100 spheres for each one.
The rules of the game, no shooting less than 5m away, the game was capture the flag, and when someone was marked 3 times he had to return to the starting point.







Rojos vs Azules, equipos compuestos por hombres y mujeres, planeamos nuestras estrategias para ganar, y el primer punto lo hice yo al recoger la bandera, me caí en el instante pero nada que no me dejara seguir, solo un pequeño mareo y luego de nuevo a la cancha.
Reconozco esto me lleno mucho de adrenalina, las bolitas de pintura duelen demasiado, siempre procure no ser golpeado por ellas, creo que en 2h de juego me dispararon solo 8 o 9 veces, y en una de ellas salí por tiempo ya que me habían dado 3 veces.

Reds vs Blues, teams composed of men and women, we planned our strategies to win, and the first point I made when I picked up the flag, I fell instantly but nothing that did not let me continue, just a little dizziness and then back to the court.
I recognize that this filled me with adrenaline, the paintballs hurt too much, I always try not to get hit by them, I think that in 2 hours of play I was shot only 8 or 9 times, and in one of them I got out for time because I had been hit 3 times.

Comienza el juego y todos corremos a resguardarnos y otros avanzan para capturar la bandera, el equipo vencedor debía cambiar de cancha para no hacer el juego tan aburrido. Así que mi equipo gano 5/8 veces, éramos los mejores.

The game starts and we all run for cover and others advance to capture the flag, the winning team had to change the court so as not to make the game so boring. So my team won 5/8 times, we were the best.

Hubo un punto de la partida en el que un compañero corrió a buscar la bandera mientras lo cubríamos y al ultimo instante recibí un disparo en la careta, se puede ver al final del video, por un momento mis oídos zumbaron.

There was a point in the game where a teammate ran for the flag while we were covering him and at the last moment I was shot in the face shield, you can see at the end of the video, for a moment my ears were ringing.





La recarga de 100 esferas de pintura costaba 5$, y creo que recargue 3 veces, por que la verdad era un vicio demasiado grande seguir jugando y jugando. Para mi fue el mejor momento del 2022, y he estado planeando con mis amigos otro viaje o una excursión a otro sitio probablemente a la montaña o a la playa.

The recharge of 100 paintballs cost 5$, and I think I recharged 3 times, because it was too much of a vice to keep playing and playing. For me it was the best moment of 2022, and I have been planning with my friends another trip or an excursion to another place, probably to the mountains or the beach.

En resumidas cuentas este fue mi día en el paintball, aunque no grabé muchos videos pues los pocos que tengo los veo una y otra vez, parece como si estuviese jugando CS:GO en la vida real, así se siente el estar en este punto, aunque si fuese en la vida real fuera muerto varias veces jaja.
Me imagino que jugar Airsoft debe ser igual y con mas adrenalina, una simulación de combate completa.

All in all this was my day at paintball, although I didn't record many videos as the few I have I watch over and over again, it feels like I'm playing CS:GO in real life, this is what it feels like to be at this point, although if it was in real life I would be dead several times haha.
I imagine that playing Airsoft must be the same and with more adrenaline, a complete combat simulation.


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think it is a big fun.
I would love to do that sometime.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is very funny and painful at the same time hahaha, but you should try it, believe me you will not regret it, it is a unique experience.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I know it is also painful.
I am not really sure, if I am not too old for that....

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Great post , Made me smile knowing you and your friends had such a fun time

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much, I hope to come back soon, although if I could I would go every week haha.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Looks like great fun
I did this one time years ago and loved it but I was shot more times from own team members than the other side . (( I was shot by Friendly Fire many times )) . I would come around a corner and team members would be so afraid of being shot they would just start shooting

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hahaha that usually happens, my flannel was blue and my vest was red. So for having the blue flannel the color of the opposing team I was shot 2 times, since I was the one who was going to capture the flag I was exposed to the 2 teams, but it's really fun, I was full of adrenaline that day.
I want to come back soon.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It's a very exciting activity, I've never participated in it. If there is time I also want to follow like that. Just like the movies do.

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