A fun picnic with big brother and friends

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

My dear steemit friends,
I am @samad-abdus from Bangladesh
Today is Friday, 8/12/2021

Assalamu Alaikum. Hope everyone is well. Today, some of my friends and elder brothers are together among you. Had a very fun and happy picnic and will share some moments with you. Hope you like it. Let's get started then.

As per the current situation due to prolonged school and college closure, several of my friends and elder brothers came from the city to the village and they were staying in the village for a long time. Sometimes we chat with elder brothers and friends. But now that the situation is normal, everyone will go back to the city. But before we left, we got into gossip together. How about organizing a picnic together. By saying this, everyone is ready to have a picnic. But this time, what will be used for picnic? Everyone expresses their opinion on this matter. But at the last stage it is decided that a picnic will be made with swan meat and khichuri. And eating and drinking when on banana leaves. Everyone agreed on this.

The picnic started

Divided into two groups to start organizing the picnic. Especially elder brothers will go to raw market for cooking. And we friends will get together to buy swans. After saying this, the work started. The elder brothers went to the market and we went to buy swans. After doing everything, raw market and two swans were bought and brought in about two hours.

This time two swans are slaughtered first. Then the responsibility of cleaning is given to us. After that, the elder brothers sat down and started preparing spices such as jhal, onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric etc. for cooking. And we friends clean the king ducks and clean them, wash them and make them ready. Now the cooking will start. And this will be cooked by our elder brothers. We will only support them.

Cooking started

Two elder brothers will cook. They are Basar Bhai and Safi Bhai. For this first a fire is lit and a small dajgi is placed on the shape. After a while the dajgi is heated, oil is first put inside it. After the oil is heated, the meat inside is seasoned with spices. Then it is stirred well to create a beautiful color. And after a while the meat of the swan was poured into it. After that they are started stirring well to mix the spices well.

After stirring it for a while, put a little water inside it and stir it well for about 20 minutes to grind the meat. 20 minutes passed when the meat was tender. Then more water was given inside it. After that the meat was boiled and the water started to be strained a little to dry it. Then it is covered with a lid. And so the shaping continued for about 40 minutes.

Last step of cooking

After 40 minutes the lid was lifted. After removing the lid, shake them again to see how the meat is cooked. But it turned out that the meat was cooked perfectly. Now, the meat from Dezgi will be chopped in a bowl. Before that, Degji was taken down from above. And it was taken down and the whole meat was poured into a bowl. And this is how our picnic cooking for today ends.

Everyone eats together

Now it's time to eat and drink and eat and drink on banana leaves. So my friends went to cut banana leaves. I cut many banana leaves and made them into plates. And I gave it to everyone so that everyone could eat on the banana leaf. We also gave everyone banana leaves to eat with khichuri and swan meat. After that the eating started. But without going into detail about the food here I am sharing a video of our entire cooking process here. Hope everyone will watch the video.

A video link of the entire picnic

I have done this post on Steemit before, today I have written its English version here. You can see the previous post if you want. LINK I am personally inviting you to view my post. Cc @helloblurt, @instablurt ,@kryptodenno ,@r2cornell @saboin

Take love

Md. Abdus Samad

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