Hello, good afternoon, I'm here to introduce myself a little, my name is Moira Rajit, I'm Croatian, 35 years old,

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 


Pozdravljeni, dober dan, tukaj sem, da se malo predstavi, moje ime je Moira Rajit, sem Hrvatica, stara 35 let, sem izbrala, ker sem bila majhna deklica, vedela sem, da želim pomagali malčkom doma, zato sem vendo želela biti učiteljica. Rada sem z najmlajšimi v hiši, skrbim zanje in jim dajejo najboljše manire ter ust barjam boljše ljudi. Ko bodo odrasli, se me bodo spominjali, jaz pa bom lahko ponosna na vsakega od svojih čudovitih učencev.
Hello, good afternoon, I'm here to introduce myself a little, my name is Moira Rajit, I'm Croatian, 35 years old, I chose to be a teacher because I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to help the little ones at home, so I always wanted to be a teacher. I love being with the little ones in the house, taking care of them, giving them the best manners and giving them a mouthful of better people. When they grow up, they will remember me and I will be proud of each one of my wonderful pupils.


Dalam proses pendidikan dan asuhan dalam sistem keluarga atau sekolah, terdapat letusan berterusan emosi negatif di kedua-dua belah pihak. Guru atau ibu bapa yang belum menyelesaikan isu emosi mereka mengenai hubungan ibu bapa-anak, dewasa-anak, pihak berkuasa-pelajar akan menghantar arahan mereka sebagai tindak balas kepada sebarang situasi yang mendorong corak ini. Punca konflik yang cepat dalam proses pendidikan.
In the process of education and parenting in the family or school system, there is a constant eruption of negative emotions on both sides. Teachers or parents who have not resolved their emotional issues regarding parent-child, adult-child, authority-student relationships will send their instructions in response to any situation that drives this pattern. The cause of rapid conflict in the educational process.


Perkara yang tidak diselesaikan oleh orang dewasa, guru atau ibu bapa dengan ibu bapa atau pihak berkuasa mereka dipindahkan kepada hubungan rakan sebaya dan hubungan dengan pelajar atau anak mereka sendiri. Kerana pengalaman pribadi mereka yang buruk, orang sering berjanji kepada diri mereka bahawa mereka tidak akan bertindak seperti ibu bapa atau guru mereka. Senario tingkah laku yang dipelajari biasanya berulang. Kadang-kadang mereka melampaui batas lain, bahawa mereka memupuk hubungan liberal, pendidikan demokrasi, iaitu, mereka bukan lagi ibu bapa dan guru, tetapi kawan mereka sendiri dan anak-anak lain.
Matters that are not resolved by adults, teachers or parents with their parents or authorities are transferred to peer relationships and relationships with their own students or children. Because of their bad personal experiences, people often promise themselves that they will not act like their parents or teachers. The behavioral scenarios studied are usually repetitive. Sometimes they go beyond other boundaries, that they cultivate liberal relations, democratic education, that is, they are no longer parents and teachers, but their own friends and other children.


Sebelum orang dewasa boleh membantu kanak-kanak menghadapi keperluan perkembangan mereka, mereka mestilah orang dewasa, orang dewasa. Selalu ada kawan, kakak dan kumpulan umur, tetapi hanya beberapa ibu bapa. Seorang ibu dan seorang lagi bapa dalam proses membentuk peribadi anak. Jika ramai atau sedikit daripada mereka hilang, maka mereka yang melaksanakan tugas tersebut mempunyai kewajiban untuk melakukan apa sahaja yang perlu dan mencukupi untuk keperibadian kanak-kanak tanpa trauma berkembang menjadi dewasa. Dan ia bukan perniagaan kecil. Hampir tiada "rakan kongsi" boleh melakukannya dengan baik.
Before adults can help children meet their developmental needs, they must be adults, adults. There are always friends, sisters and age groups, but only a few parents. One mother and another father are in the process of shaping the child’s personality. If many or few of them are missing, then those who perform the task have an obligation to do whatever is necessary and sufficient for the child’s personality without trauma to develop into adulthood. And it's not a small business. Almost no “partner” can do it well.


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