Some times in life, even though your going on a right direction you still feel lost and meaningless. There will be light but its not guide you but rather you feel distracted because of it. It is there to defocus you from your goals, just like this picture.
It is a very random picture but it is a good example to depict the disturbed mind.
During such times it is very important to be firm and belive in yourself. One needs to have faith in God and should get more spiritual.
This is the time when God is testing you, if you really deserve what you are aspiring for or it's just an infatuation.
If you pas this test then everything after that will become rosy and smooth forever. Because after all that disturbances and dilemma if you can still hold yourself in the right path then there is nothing to stop you from your goals.
Stay focused, start calm, stay spiritual, start confident. You are getting closer to your destiny.
Good luck!
Nice post @madarchd especially the picture part..
It's portraying the concept very well...
Thank you.
Sorry for the errors in my post readers. This thought just clicked my in the middle of the night and I wanted to share it out before it fades away by morning. I typed it out literally with my one eye closed. Had no energy to proofread it.