midwit - as a term - is used to describe a section of the population based on IQ's (higher than average) and behaviors/attributes .
It's is not a term I came up with...
(...'halfwit' denotes someone not being fully 'with it', and is far more 'derogatory').
I've written a few posts on the strengths of the midwit and how they are/can be, a positive in society.
In this instance I was focusing on the many negatives.
None of this shit would be happening without actions against me.
The ONLY thing I initiated - was a comment on a post where I criticized the psychological position of subservient mindset.
I never even looked (nor cared) who the author of the comment was.
I never looked (or cared) about their relationship with other users here, or their stake size - or any other metric - apart from what was written.
That was it.
The rest of it was re-action.
...After nine months of daily down voting and being 'in the thick of it' on hive - every single day - for nine or ten months .....I thought I'd left that kind of shit far behind when I came here.
I'll do one last post on the subject and drop it - it won't be a post you're expecting.
it would be wise to pull your beak out of your smelly penguin asshole and go a bit easier on the guy.
It's not personal (for me, anyway).
If you wrote bullshit sophistry, and then tried to sell it as logic - I'd rip into you just as much.
That wouldn't be personal, either.
It's about the pursuit of truths.
I know it s a lot of fun staying buried in there, but you got to come up for air from time to time.
It's zero fucking fun, matey - I can assure you.
Notice I haven't been writing any funny shit ?...
It's because I don't see the world in that way when I'm mired down in this crap.
(expression via different styles of humor , does not mean I'm feeling humorous - it's the medium I use.)
I'd prefer that this whole sorry debacle to be forgotten, underlined, and we all moved on.
It won't be. (Unfortunately).
My last post on the subject will explain.
(my last post on the subject, that is - if I'm no longer subject to 'the eye of suaron').
Yesterday was the first day on Blurt when I had 'that sinking feeling' - the one that I felt on hive, when I logged on there for nearly a year..(many people know that feeling - you as well most probably).
but you got to come up for air from time to time.
Pissing off someone with strong asparagus traits* - when standing in a moral, ethical, philosophical, and intellectually sound position - gives the said asparagus the uncanny ability to hold their breath - for fucking years , if need be..
.*...some characteristics of Asperger’s may be considered strengths, such as:
Ability to focus
.... Imagine if I ever decided to play the ' victim card '? lol
(quite a legitimate one, as well - in the current cultural zeitgeist)
....'Man with autism attacked by founder of website, threatened with punitive action for speaking verifiable , objective, truths ...."...lolol
It could almost be seen akin the ye olde classic - a 'the gerald ratner' moment - if it was leveraged properly (by our enemies)....
If I saw this - on a competing site - it would be exploited to the hilt.
Fortunately, you only have brain dead 'nomarks' coming over here from 'other places' and being fairly impotent...bless.
(It would be a very different story if I was in that same position).
Wait for my post - it'll be a very short one.
Then I'm done.
Well, I told you I never graduated college. Hahaha, So I guess dont expect me to know the difference between a midwit and a halfwit. But thanks for the explanation. Lets not forget Im heavily in favor of a positve solution for all here. I just said that shit about your penguin ass hole to see how d you respond to be honest. I think what you said was important for people here to see. You are not meanspirited, and you are as much human as penguin and frankly at this point I would be surprised if you were to be put on any list on any front end. I think you should relax and enjoy. It really doesn't matter you ll get the same support on a front end that does allow you to be upvoted. You dont even need the approval of a certain person. Actually the ball is more in your court than we even knew. Maybe an owner of a front end would like to make a statement saying they will or will not put you on the list. Im ready to switch to whatever one has no problem with you.
It's the same. Feces will continue to be Feces even if they are labled differently.
Manure : Joe Biden
Shit : Goerge HW Bush
Kaka : Oprah
Barney the dinosaur : Mierda
What about a dimwit?
Or here is some real old English from the 90s, maybe earlier...shit for brains. That's one nobody will confuse.