This is a comment that @world-travel-pro left earlier.
It kinda sums up many problems right now - not just on Blurt, but in the real world....
The way you are able to write like you do, shows an extremely high level of lets ban you from the platform. Seriously, makes me want to puke.
So allow me to reply here...
It's funny, because I was just downloading a youtube video by a university professor - who spends some time discussing the psychology of the midwit - how it expresses itself - and how detrimental is can be for 'midwit culture' to prevail in any ecosystem.
I 'm gonna cut it up, edit it down, and insert things into it that are relevant to blurt and this current situation that certain account have made it their business to address....(bless).
The video will take a while.
It will - hopefully - be a comprehensive take on things - and made as simply and easily digestible - as possible.
....So bear with me - it's gonna be a doozy ! (hopefully).
......and not recommended viewing for those with egg shell ego's, the intellectually insecure - ....or the terminally stupid.
MY REPLY TO @world-travel-pro
.....The intelligent person (IQ of 110-125) who is not of midwit psychology -recognizes intelligence in others - and is not intellectually insecure.
.... if they have any sense - which they do - they use the higher intelligence that they see in others, and use to their to their advantage.
.....Everyone wins.
The non midwit intelligent person, profits from supporting the 'much higher intelligent person' - and 'the much higher intelligent person' (who is not interested in the social status, power, etc ) is left to pursue whatever it is they are investigating...
.....Everyone wins
The 'much higher intelligent' individual are looking for truths, not social conformity, power, or silly material things .
The midwit puts social conformity above the pursuit of truth.
This mean that they'll support whatever the current prevailing zeitgeist happens to be - woke leftism and 'feels' over facts at this moment.
They'll convince themselves of any illogical concepts in the name of social conformity.
They'll essentially brainwash themselves to believe fundamental untruths into believing that they are truths.
Things like.....
...." I stand with you against freedom of speech being used as an excuse to have freedom to abuse others. This actually takes away their freedoms to feel safe and enjoy the platform.
.....This is sophistry, not philosophy .
(Aristotle basically identified the midwit psychology, and called them 'sophists', a few centuries ago ).
Because the midwit is intellectually insecure, they will always find anyone that they perceive as being more intelligent than themselves - as a threat.
The midwit see's in terms of social capital (power), not the pursuit of higher truth.
Ergo, the higher intelligent people are pushed out of the places that are dominated by the midwit mentality.
All those with a midwit psychology will perceive the more intelligent person, as a threat to their social status - and will do anything to marginalize, or ostracize those that they feel threatened by.
Even if this means potential negative consequences for their actions.
If 'the higher intelligent person' was seen to be not adhering to the established social hierarchy and protocols - they would also be identified as a threat.
(mid-wits have respect of authority - for no other reason than it is an authority).
The midwit is very hierarchical in makeup - and will happily accept the authority above them, to be 'right'.
Conversely, this means that any perceived challenge to their authority, will always been seen as 'wrong'...
The fact 'the much higher intelligent person' is not interested in what the midwit values , is irrelevant.
THE MIDWIT CANNOT SEE THIS. ( they're intellectually insecure, and this gives them cognitive blind spots - unable to recognize how their own biases cloud clear thinking).
The MASSIVE downside to this very fixed and insecure view - especially in the internet and block chain era - is this...
When (not if), the cultural zeitgeist changes - AS IT IS IN THE PROCESS OF DOING, RIGHT NOW - the midwit will try to shift their own internal compass to support the new cultural reality - the are good at sailing the prevailing winds of opinion..
They will always adopt whatever the social norms happen to be at the time.
Social expediency comes before over any 'pretend morals and ethics' that they use to present an image to show support of any current social norms.
When these social norms shift, they will seamlessly shift along with them, to be in 'the new position'.
Up until today, that is.
The internet - and the history of anyone using it - prevents that 'chameleon like' attribute of shifting socially, from working.
Every lefty liberal who espouses 'feelings over facts ' today - who virtue signals as a way to gain more social capital - WILL BE THE SOCIAL PARIAHS OF TOMORROW.
Historically speaking the words and deeds, and geographical distances, could obscure a persons pasts opinions, 'convictions', and actions.....-But the internet will not allow that to ever happen again.
The authenticate people will rise to the top, the intelligent people will help in that rise, and the midwit charlatans of today - will become an ostracized, powerless group, tomorrow .......with no chance of ever 'playacting their way back into social acceptance'.
The internet never forgets.
And the midwits need to start acting in, like yesterday ...the zeitgeist is changing....
Mainstream media is still silent... and social media is Shadow Banning most discussion. Welcome to the 'USA-Stazi-MSM-Media' and it's new Lacky~!
Social-Media-Brown-shirt-Bot - Typical Twitter/Youtube/Facebook Antics include: Deleting any Video image when posting from Youtube to FB if they don't 'Like' the source material... especially if they detect the word 'gay' or letters like 'LGBT' just more levels of censorship piled higher & higher and now they Targeted our creatives...
Despite your previous decline of my invite to be a part of GROW RADIO or be a guest on my show.. I STILL WOULD LIKE YOU TO CONSIDER being a part of it. I RESPECT the ability to express thing in such a manner as you do.!
...You can always read my posts off, verbatim....(tag me! lol)
Not interested in being on a radio show though , sorry matey.
....thanks for asking - I appreciate the support.