Just Be Yourself !

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

Assalamu alaikum ,
How many of you don't like crowded place ? There are two types of people , the first are those who like people around them and they do not have any problem going on a crowded place.

Second are those who likes to limit people around them , they don't want so many people around them and they avoid going on a crowded place.



I think we can be among any of the either type of peoples and that should be alright. There is nothing wrong in being waht we are and even a person who likes to stay around people will not wan't crowd in many situations.

If someone is doing something important for example if someone is cooking something for the first time they will not want crowd near to them. They will rather prefer being alone with limited people who will help in cooking the new dish.

I am often blamed for not being friendly with people , i don't build connections oftenly and i focus on few important people of my life. I have no interest in talking to others without any reasons and i am happy to be like this.




If i am happy , my hubby is happy , and , my parents are happy with me then why should i give a damn about anyone else. I cannot make everyone happy and so i never try to do so.

That's all for this blog , Thank you.


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