Bone Broth and Scalp Trading

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

Since I quit working in August of last year, I haven’t set my alarm for anything.
I don’t wake up with an alarm clock anymore. My last job was working at the local library in 2021, and if I look out my back door, I can see the library from my house. So that commute was non-existent.
In fact, when I first took the job I tried walking to work, but they encouraged me to drive it anyway. The whole 30 second commute. Starting my car takes longer than driving 500 feet to work.
I haven’t needed to set my alarm to get up early since then. The only time I set my alarm is if I have an appointment, and I try to never make morning appointments.
Once I was up yesteray, I heated my homemade bone broth and sipped it for my breakfast. Yum. And fought the cats off, because if it’s something I’m eating, they’re all up in that; plus, they love chicken-flavored anything.
I’m really into bone broth, now, having been convinced there are health benefits in making it yourself and drinking it daily. It’s very satisfying, and the first benefit I’ve noticed is I am sleeping so much deeper and sounder (unless the cats wake me up fighting outside, which has actually happened a couple of times).
My son stirred in his room around 8:30 and asked if I needed him to take out the trash. Since we didn’t have a full bin in the garage, I told him it could wait until next week, so he settled back down with his tablet to watch whatever it is that he watches. Something in Japanese, and I’m not fluent.
At 8:30 CST, the stock market opens, and I open up to check stock prices and use my piddly little Robinhood account to do some scalping. This morning, I bought 12 shares of GEVO at $3.51 at 8:43 and sold the 12 shares at 8:55 for $3.56. Sometimes I do better, but I rarely have a loss. I make more scalp trading than I do writing at this point in time, but writing is more of a creative endeavor.
Since my son can go into work whenever he wants, I made an early lunch of heating up leftovers around 11:00 and then he finished getting ready and took off.
As soon as he leaves, I have a guaranteed 5 to 6 hours of quiet in which to write, check my stats, write again, read several articles here on the platform, laugh, giggle, and comment my way through a couple more.
Then I wrap it up just in time to start dinner and housework so that when he walks through the door, I look like a productive person who’s had nothing but his creature comforts on my mind since he left. Yes, he’s spoiled. Oh, and when he opens the door, there’s a flood of cats that follow him in, trying to trip both of us as we herd them back out with promise of kibble.
That was yesterday. Kind of fun. How was your Wednesday this week?
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