Privacy is now officially a thing of the past!

in blurtlife •  last year 


This is really scandalous! Actually everybody already knows it or at least one suspected it, but if it is then still publicly announced, then one can at least also speak with the people who only believe something if they have read it in the Mainstrem media, and exactly this is the situation in which we are right now!

You already know the Twitter files, Elon Musk has revealed a lot of dirty secrets of his predecessors, what they have been up to since 2020 (keyword: fake pandemic), how social media platforms, for example Twitter, have cooperated with the mainstream regarding the censorship of opinions that are disagreeable to the regime and yet expressed, how messages were canceled, etc., whereby one can now ask oneself: Shouldn't there be a public apology now, saying something like "Hey, that was wrong", because the censored messages - as it turned out afterwards - were not false messages at all?

We can probably wait a long time for such an apology, but be it as it may, the truth has come out and Elon Musk has said on Tucker Carlson on US television there were cooperations of Twitter and similar platforms with state authorities that simply went too far and contributed to spying on citizens not loyal to the line in order to locate and take action against politically incorrect citizens of the (self-proclaimed) "value West" if necessary.


EXCERPT ( The social media company Twitter has probably cooperated more extensively than previously known with government organizations. Twitter CEO Elon Musk explained on American television. "Various government agencies basically had full access to everything that was happening on Twitter," Musk said in an interview on FOX News. Next Monday, the entire conversation between Musk and FOX host Tucker Carlson will be aired.

EXCERPT2: "The degree to which various government agencies basically had full access to everything that was happening on Twitter blew my mind," Musk said in the interview. When asked by Carlson if that access extended to direct messages between users, Musk answered yes.

So all of this means even private messages were all monitored. If you imagine that in Germany, for example Nancy Faeser, the Federal Minister of the Interior and Homeland of Germany says things such as "WhatsApp and other platforms should simply be monitored, especially because of crime on the Internet" (keyword: pretext), then already puts citizens of a supposed "democracy" (?) in concern, especially if such developments are constantly pushed further.


What's funny in this context is that Elon Musk has staged himself as a "champion of free speech", who ironically has also spoken of the "wolf in sheep's clothing". In relation to this person, I tend in exactly this direction, because we must not forget in which projects he is currently still entangled, despite statements such as "Artificial Intelligence must be stopped, because we are just losing control of this project", which he made after he himself has pushed forward exactly such projects for years, against which he now opposes and thus presents himself as a (supposed) "digital freedom fighter".

Despite everything, such hypocrisies are not our main problem, it is much more about the fact the state, respectively The state institutions, which were originally conceived as a representation of the people, whose task it is to do everything to represent the interests of the people, that these very institutions, which are paid for by taxpayers' money, are now being used by those in power against taxpayers when they express an opinion that is disagreeable to the state or even express it publicly, while at the same time the same rulers praise about the fictitious democracy in the countries of the Western community of values and condemn political systems such as those in Russia and China.


Of course, it is the task of a democratic state to represent the interests of the majority of its citizens, not those of a minority that becomes criminals or the like, even if in these crazy times such twisting of the law takes place on a regular basis, especially in European countries like Germany, Austria, etc.

It is a fact the majority of citizens is "not" (!) interested in the loss of their own privacy, also the majority has no interest in installing a surveillance state, which monitors the own people, in order to guarantee on this way a forced line loyalty opposite an injustice system and to punish deviating opinions, even if exactly this happens straight in the western world, whose rulers raise nevertheless only too gladly their fictitious morally superior index finger against other countries of this world, to which they want to "over-push" their own values.

Unfortunately, some citizens must also be self-critical enough to admit that they themselves supported developments in this direction for too long, when things were still cozy in our climes, which contributed to things getting this far in the first place (cue: Apple, Siri, Alexa, Cortana & Co).


Confronted with so much hypocrisy and striving for power of the would-be democrats in their own latitudes, it does not lack a certain satisfaction to see how the great time of Western imperialism in the "new garb" (keyword: rainbow flags, imposing/spreading supposed "values" etc.) is coming to an end and how the balance of power in the world is being rearranged thanks to world powers like Russia & China.

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  ·  last year  ·  

I left FB two years ago, when I started being unable to finish PRIVATE messages because I was being censored. Put down your cell phones, they are your enemy's weapons.