5 amazing things about children and parenting

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

Hello everyone,

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First of all I would start by talking about the amazing things about children.

1.They always try something new:Children are always agile or ready to get involved or do something that is completely new and strange to them.They are always willing to try different thing because they know that the experience can be extremely delightful.

2.They are open and truthful: Children do make friends easily,but we could notice it's not always easy for grownups to make friend's .Try and observe when your child or when a child is approaching other kids and see how open and sincere they are.

3.They experience pure joy: Children can find pleasure and a reason to smile or laugh in the smallest of things .You could find them smiling and laughing without anyone playing with them or doing some funny character.

4.They never give up:A child or a kid might have fallen over 30 times before he or she learned how to work,but did they ever give up on trying ?The same goes for reading , writing ,hobbies, sports creative expression e.t.c When see your child try his or her best to achieve a certain goal ,let them inspire you to pursue your own dreams or goals as well.

5.They are totally unique individuals.

Secondly,I would be taking about the amazing things about parenting.

1.When you become a parent your faults will be mirrored by your kids: Whether it's your high frustration level,your stubbornness ,laziness or your constant procrastination you. Will see these things in your child which would make you feel embarrassed .After you have been noticing these habits in your children ,you would want to become a better person and change your for the better.

2.When you become a parent you would become a baby interpreter .For a while you will be only one to understand your kids or no what they are trying to say like she's hungry,she is feeling sleepy and she wants milk.

3.When you become a parent you wouldn't have the time to watch adult shows anymore all that would be in your recommendations list would be kids shows like Mickey Mouse, Spongebob,The Boss Baby,Dora the explorer e..t.c

4.When you become a parent you tend to laugh more than ever.We all know babies are funny.They do and say the funniest things that would make you laugh so hard than you have ever thought possible.

5.When you become a mother nothing would embarrass you anymore: You wouldn't feel ashamed breastfeeding your child in public ,or singing to your screaming kid in a bus or a car .You would just have more things to focus on or worry about than your appearances.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

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